A Midsummer Note from PL

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

Here we are in the middle of summer, and I am grateful to write this note to you in the midst of all the busy-ness!  I’ve been thinking about all of you–collectively and individually–and lifting prayers for you:

  • For healing and hope for those who are dealing with health concerns;
  • For rejuvenation and safe journeys for those who are traveling;
  • For peace and comfort for those who are grieving;
  • For energy and endurance for those who are working;
  • For strength and guidance for those are parenting;
  • For creativity and wonder for those who are feeling bored;
  • For flexibility and openness for those who are feeling stuck;
  • For awareness and intention for those who are feeling disconnected.

For all of us, I pray for boldness and excitement as we share our faith through words and actions!

We are here, there, and everywhere this summer, but we consistently gather each Sunday for engaging worship together.  We continue to welcome new visitors each week and make connections that encourage deeper relationships.  We continue to share our faith with those within our walls and beyond.  We continue to trust in God’s presence and hope for our lives.

ShepHills Ministries & Events have kept us busy during the summer!

Children & Youth have gathered for fun adventures and growth in faith–roller skating, mini golf, and Barton Springs have been highlights for middle school youth, while 19 high school youth are preparing to depart for the ELCA Youth Gathering in New Orleans next week!  Eight of our youth have enjoyed time at Camp Chrysalis this summer, as well.

Developing Missions has prayerfully set intentions for our benevolence giving in the coming year–reinforcing our commitment to live our faith beyond our walls and serve God’s people!

Our Guatemala Team returned from their trip filled with beautiful stories and experiences with our ministry partners.  The team also delivered the beautiful new baptismal font to our sister congregation in Aurora ocho de Octubre, celebrating the relationship we share in Christ!

Tea for Tots raised over $7,500 in a matter of hours, all to serve families in need around the world.  We will prepare and send more Baby Care Kits than we ever have, all because of your generosity!

The Call Committee for Associate Pastor is interviewing candidates and continuing to discern the Holy Spirit’s guidance in this exciting process.

Bible studies continue through the summer, and the Discover series on Sunday mornings has inspired great conversations on various topics and ministries around us.

Parable Picnics filled our Tuesdays in June with food, games, songs, and Bible stories.  Perhaps the best part was the blessings we imparted at the end the evening, marking each other with the cross as children of God.

My hope is that you are encountering God’s presence in new and wonderful experiences this summer–at the pool, at the beach, at the ice cream shop, on vacation, and at home–God is with you!

See you at these upcoming events:

Saturday, July 14, 1pm at the Butterfly Center: We have the honor of welcoming Shari Seifert to share her profound experiences during the Minnesota Uprising following the death of George Floyd. She’ll also discuss her new book, Ashes to Action. This is a wonderful opportunity to dive into our congregational focus on Engagement and Inclusion!

Sundays, 9:30am in the Gym: Breakfast and Discover series.  Upcoming topics include a presentation from our Guatemala Team, guest speaker Whitney Myers sharing about Faith Storytelling, and the Youth Gathering participants.

Sunday, August 25, 12pm in the Gym: Congregational Meeting to approve the 2024-2025 Spending Plan Budget + Updated Bylaws of our congregation.  More info to come!

It’s a terrific summer at Shepherd of the Hills!  See you in church, friends.

Blessings, love, hope, and joy in the name of Christ,

+Pr. Lauren