Are you too busy to enjoy life? If so, that is no life at all. Life without play and rest is unsustainable! You may feel called by God to your profession, your family or serving others, but a religion that doesn’t call us to also rest leaves no room for the sacred to emerge within Us.
Retreats give us space and time to stretch, to Re-Member with ourselves, with others and with God. As you stand apart, for a weekend, your view of the world is restored into one where compassion and love can once again thrive. Men, women, families: be on the lookout for our next scheduled retreat.

Spiritual Practices
Faith practices can’t make us perfect. Only God can do that. Instead, faith practices tutor our emotions so that we move deeper and deeper into experiencing God’s ways of love, compassion, justice, service, mercy, and forgiveness. As we sit with God, our fresh understanding of God opens us to new ways of thinking and understanding people. Spiritual Practices can include study, prayers, journaling, dancing, collaging, communal projects, or peace and justice work. Practices can also be urban adventures to local sacred sites or places of other faiths, such as tea and tour of a Buddhist temple or worship at a Jewish Synagogue. Our team will work with groups or individuals to develop practices or visits meant to bring you into greater joy and community with others.
Spiritual Direction
Spiritual Direction is the simple, yet powerful act of listening, but not in the ways of therapy or mentoring, which guide you through problem-solving and setting goals. Spiritual Directors listen with the “ear to the heart” so that God’s love and compassion become your way of living. Spiritual Directors begin with your life, as it is now, and remind you of the love in which you were created, but often forget. But here is the thing, Spiritual Directors don’t teach you love in simple easy steps. Rather, directors invite you to “abide in God’s love”. It is from this place that you begin to experience living in relationships that rise above rules, explore rather than receive answers, welcome grace rather than tracking right or wrong, and thrive in openness rather than obligations. As you connect with God, you are broken open in an ever so gentle way that sends you back out into the world to live and listen in new ways with your “ear to your heart”.