Scroll down for ways to pledge and/or give online.
Our Beyond Capital Fund Appeal is a multi-year strategy that begins today, and with your help and God's power will help build a brighter future for all generations.
We ask that you prayerfully consider making a pledge (a pledge is an estimate of how much money you plan to give over a given period of time) using the online form below. Pledges help us estimate how our overall fundraising is going.
If you are unable to pledge at this time, please consider making a gift to our Beyond Capital Fund Appeal. You can always return and make your pledge at any time during our three-year campaign.
I (we) pledge to give my (our) financial resources for the Beyond Capital Fund Appeal 2022 - 2024.
What you're giving for!
Our goal is to raise $3,000,000 over three years to cover the costs for the Butterfly Center Renewal and eliminate all existing debt. It’s an investment in the future we believe can happen when God’s power moves within us “to accomplish abundantly beyond all we can ask or imagine.”