Bread for All July Report

Hi friends: Thanks for your continued support and volunteer participation at Bread For All. Our numbers were off the charts for July, due in part to having 5 distributions. We also created a bit of buzz on July 22nd by handing out $25 gift cards from HEB and Walmart.

Here are the numbers:

July 2024: (5 distributions)

Total households served: 720 (avg. 144)
Total individuals served: 3,218 (avg. 643.6)
New neighbors served: 247 (avg. 49.4)
34.3% of all households served
Food donated: 1,685 lbs.
Diapers distributed: 5,069

We served 690 unique households in July, which is a “most ever” designation. Our goal is to reach 600 unique households each month (150 per distribution).

All sizes of diapers are needed and we continue to covet (in a good way) donations of peanut butter, dried beans, and canned goods.

Thanks and may God continue to bless and guide our efforts to make Austin a touch more equitable in terms of food access.

T. Carlos “Tim” Anderson
Pastor & Community Development Director
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