Easter Connections

March 24, 2024

Sing Alleluia! Come, celebrate Easter at Shepherd of the Hills.

During Holy Week we reflected on the incredible sacrifice that was made for us (don’t miss the Good Friday Service tonight at 7:00 p.m.), and this Sunday we celebrate the triumph of hope and new beginnings. Sing Alleluia, the tomb is empty, Christ is Risen!

7:00 a.m.
| Outdoor Worship Center
In the quiet of early morning, experience the Easter story in the rustic setting of our Outdoor Worship Center. This intimate service is about 45 minutes long, includes Holy Communion, and is perfect for early risers.

9:00 a.m. + 11:00 a.m. | Sanctuary
11:00 a.m.  Livestream
Gather in our beautifully adorned sanctuary and feel the power of the Resurrection as we unbury the Alleluias that have been silenced during Lent. Joy comes bursting forth as we sing hymns accompanied by strings, brass, bells, and choir, hear an inspiring message, and share Holy Communion. Same service, two times.

Through our baptism we are forever connected to Jesus in life, death, and eternal life. This makes Easter the perfect time to remember and rejoice in our baptism through the act of aspersion–or sprinkling! At 9 + 11 a.m. our ministry leaders will offer a blessing, and dip a sprinkler (aspergillum) into water. As they process through the church, their arms waving and water droplets flying, we’ll lift our voices in song, proclaiming “Praise, Praise, Praise the Lord.” It will be joy-filled!

8:00am – 10:30am | Activity Center

Every great celebration includes good food and friends. Join us for a festive spread of homemade delights by the Food for Fellowship Team.

As an ELCA church, we are called to do God’s work in local communities and the world pursuing justice, peace, and human dignity for and with all people. Our special Lent, Holy Week, and Easter offerings are designated to the Lutheran ministries of ELCA World Hunger and Global Refuge (previously Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services). Special offering envelopes will be available during services, or give online to the Lent/Easter Offering.

The Easter lilies adorning our sanctuary have been generously given by the following in celebration and remembrance of loved ones.

  • Given in loving memory of Patricia Reed, Gene Fens, Janet/Lee Dawson, by Bill and Sara Dawson
  • Given in loving memory of Carol Carlos, by Larry and Sandy Wikelius
  • Given in loving memory of Fannie Bell Toliver Morris, Willie Morris/Toliver Family by Arlene Morris
  • Given in loving memory of Ray Tackett, by Jane and Leila Tackett
  • Given in loving memory of Hal and Eric Hampton, by Barb Hampton
  • Given in loving memory of my fathers, W.R. Staub and Tom Moore, by Dabney Gomes
  • Given in loving memory of Marlin Torgerson, by Diane Peterson
  • Given in loving memory of Jim and Lillian Enochs, by Charlie and Sara Enochs
  • Given in loving honor of the people of Shepherd of the Hills, by Dave and Pr. Lauren Dow Wegner and family
  • Given in loving honor of Nicolette, Eloise, Alora, William, and Madelyn, by Mark and Kathy Gerhardt
  • Given in loving honor of ILAG and our brothers and sisters in Aurora 8 de Octubre, Guatemala, by Don and Ruby Cadenhead
  • Given in loving honor of Larry Lommel, by Diane Peterson
  • Given in loving honor of the community of Shepherd of the Hills, by Rick and Jan Burnight
  • Given in loving honor of our family, by John and Melissa Robertson
  • Given in loving memory of my parents LaVerne and Arthur Kalbow, by Linda Roesle
  • Given in honor of the loving community that is Shepherd of the Hills, by Rick and Jan Burnight
  • Given by Carlos Calvo and Christine Stern-Calvo
  • Given in honor of the Shepherd of the Hills Community, by Bril and Karen Flint
  • Given in loving memory of Don Gaskin, by Sandy Gaskin
  • Given in loving memory of family and friends who are now with Jesus in Heaven, by Bob and Judy Haugen
  • Given by Jeff and Megan Johnson
  • Given by Katie and Ryan Jones
  • Given in loving honor of family, and memory of Carolyn Holmquist, by Mary Macaulay
  • Given in loving memory of Vivian Danz and Rudy Martin, by Heather Martin
  • Given by Glenn and Kitt Richter
  • Given in loving memory of Dr. John Walsh and Mr. Joseph Price, by Lindsay Walsh
  • Given in honor of Oliver Weiss, by Laura Weiss
  • Given in memory of Ron’s niece Kelley Bacon and Charlyn’s sister Carla Foulk, by Ron and Charlyn Bacon

The following students learned about the sacrament of Holy Communion and celebrated the sacrament together with their families during worship on Maundy Thursday this week: (l-r) Rhodes Martin, Benjamin Johnson, Evelyn Murray, Violet Chedsey, and Finley Dertien (not pictured). We hold these young people in our prayers and give thanks for their curiosity, faith, and witness to Christ among us!

, April 2
Serve a two-hour shift
Begins at 3:00 p.m., ends at 7:30 p.m.
Grab a group of friends, sign up, and go share our Easter faith! It’s ShepHills’ Tuesday to serve at LuMin (Lutheran Campus Ministry at the University of Texas in Austin). This is your chance to help the LuMin team prepare and serve a free dinner to over 400 students. Talk about some hungry college kids! Click here to sign up and find directions. Contact Rebecca Guengerich or Joel Timmons.

Check the calendars on Realm or the website for a complete list of events including Yoga, Pickleball, Choir and Bells, PALS, and Bread for All!

Monday, April 1
The Staff will be taking a day to rest! If you have an emergency, please email sheep@shephills.org and someone will be in touch. Thank you, and Easter Blessings from each of us.

Wednesday, April 3
7:30 a.m. | on Zoom

10:00 a.m. | Library + Zoom
Pastor-led studies of the Good Book. Contact Pr. Lauren.

, April 10
1:00 p.m. | Rm 205

Creative and crafty? Come introduce yourself and help tie quilt tops for Lutheran World Relief. No experience is needed! Contact Ruth Felger or Linda Fiandaca

Sunday, April 14 at 9:30 a.m. | Gym (during breakfast)

Wednesday, April 17 at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom
The Call Committee needs YOUR input!  As we look for our Associate Pastor, we invite you to share your ideas and dreams for this role at Shepherd of the Hills.  Also, be on the lookout for a form where you can offer your thoughts.  Contact: Call Committee Co-Chairs Janice Benzel or Kathy Gerhardt

Sunday, April 14

2:00 p.m. | St. Martin’s Lutheran Church
Come hear about the positive changes taking place in Austin due to our support of the ministries of ACL. Executive Director Sheila Pharis of Mariposa FLC will bring us up to date on the center’s range of services and programs benefiting the community, bolstered by parent testimonials attesting to the positive impact of Mariposa’s efforts. We will also hear from grateful neighbors served by The Bread For All Food Pantry. Reverend Tim Anderson will highlight the Move-In Ministry that assists individuals in transitioning into new homes, with recipients offering their own testimonials about the support received. Additionally, updates will be offered on the Mariposa expansion efforts, advancements in ACL services, and rent assistance initiatives. Contact Reverend Tim Anderson at tca.balm@gmail.com.


One of the best ways to live out our faith is by actively serving the world around us. Last Monday, Church Council positively impacted our community by volunteering at Bread for All. Take a moment and thank them for sharing their unique gifts to empower us all in faith, hope, and love! Council members are Tamara Allen, Bob Cannon, Megan Hansen, Ted Powell, John Robertson, Denise Seidel, June Spann, Beth Turman, and Michael Watt.


Giving is an expression of joy and gratitude for the bounty of God’s goodness! There are so many ways to give-both financially and through serving.

Keeping current with your pledged or regular giving has never been easier because you can do it all online!

Serving is a great way to give back and get to know others in our community. Whether you are interested in serving locally, being part of a global mission, or volunteering to help in a variety of ways on Sundays, we have a place for you!


In need of prayer? Please contact a pastor to be put on the prayer list.

We pray for Rodney Varner, Kathie Smith, Bob and Judy Moore.

We pray for family and friends of Shepherd members:  Milton Volney, uncle of Debra Wissman.

God, we give you thanks for the baptism of Scout Rose Bonner, daughter of Kristen and Cole Bonner.  As you have planted the seed of faith in Scout’s heart, use us as teachers and witnesses of your love as she grows.

O God, we give you thanks for all the saints who have gone before us in faith, and now rest in your eternal life, especially Carolyn Holmquist, sister-in-law of Mary Macaulay.  We pray for your comfort and peace to surround all who grieve, as we trust together in the resurrection promise.  We commend Carolyn to your never-ending love.

Life-giving God, we pray for the earth, your good creation.  Join our prayers with branches lifted in praise and roaring waters of new life, that together we may proclaim Easter hope.

Merciful God, we pray for all peoples and nations.  Free oppressed communities from occupation, exploitation, and abuse.  Teach leaders your way of justice.  Empower peacemakers and all who work to end violence and strife.  We pray especially for the people of the Holy Land–for war and suffering to end.

God, you have given us freedom in the resurrected Christ.  We pray for people everywhere who long for good news.  Roll away the stones that keep people from living with dignity and wholeness.  Breathe new life and hope into people struggling to make it through each day.  

O God, you have empowered us with the risen Christ to serve your people, here and everywhere.  We pray for our partner ministries of Austin City Lutherans–Bread for All and Mariposa Family Learning Center.  We pray for the ministries of Upbring.  We pray for the worldwide ministries of ELCA World Hunger, Global Refuge, and Lutheran World Relief.  We pray for our sister congregation in Guatemala in Aurora 8 de Octubre, and for Pr. Karen Castillo and the leaders of ILAG.  We pray for the ministry of CHARIS in Haiti and all the people there.  We pray for our Butterfly Christian Preschool as young ones are formed in faith, hope, and love.

Would you like someone to pray alongside you during troubling times? Contact a Stephen Minister who can travel with you on life’s sometimes bumpy road.

*Prayers for family and friends are listed for 2 weeks unless we are notified otherwise.