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A Meaningful Conversation Among Sisters about Abortion

Saturday, November 5, 2022
10am to Noon | Greater Mt. Zion Baptist Church, Adult Assembly Room 
4301 Tannehill Drive, Austin, Texas 78721

Join other women for a meaningful, critical, and mature conversation on abortion hosted by JustSisters, a multi-denominational gathering of Christian women who pursue justice in America through education and advocacy.
Let us know you’re coming by clicking here to register. We’ll save a seat for you. Water, coffee, and light snacks will be served.

There is nothing more polarizing than the issue of abortion. Like others, you may be concerned that Christians today are more divided than united and because of that, the message of the powerful love of Jesus Christ is getting lost. When the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade this summer, Christian women reacted strongly on both sides. Some were elated, proud again to live in communities that recognize God’s hand on every life from conception. For others, the high court’s decision represented a retreat from individual liberty and an affront to God’s gift of free will.

We need to talk about this. We need to learn to put our love for Jesus and the cause of Christ above our differences in interpretations and beliefs. We invite you to be a part of this critical conversation.

During our time together, there will be worship, prayer, testimonies from Christian women who have grappled with an unwanted pregnancy, and theological presentations about both sides of the issue. Our goal is to provide a grace-filled, safe space for Christian women to deepen our understanding of one another and promote unity within our ranks.  We’ll set aside time for open dialogue and provide information about organizations in Central Texas that serve women with untimely pregnancies.