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Caregivers Support Group

Third Thursdays
1:00 p.m. | Library + Zoom

Shepherd of the Hills is offering a group providing support for all caregivers for people with short and long-term illnesses.  If you care for someone in person or from a distance (child, spouse, parent, friend), we welcome you to join us. While caregiving is a gesture of love, it also brings many challenging moments. The fellowship of other caregivers acknowledging those challenges and joys, but also sharing practical tips from experiences, can be both helpful and supportive. This group is free and open to the Austin/Westlake community and beyond.

Meet in person or via Zoom (as we know it is difficult for caregivers to leave home). Join us in the Church Library or call the front office (512) 327-3370 for the Zoom number.

For information email Sandy Smith, RN or call 512-569-6453.