Sunday, June 5 Sanctuary + Livestream 10:45 a.m. Pentecost and Anniversary Celebration Worship! Shepherd of the Hills celebrates 45 years of ministry. you can also join us on livestream!
5:30pm Saturday Sanctuary Same great message as Sundays paired with contemporary music and prayer. This summer join us for a message series about The Journeys of Paul.
Fueled by the Spirit - Life Lessons from the Road 10:45am Sanctuary + Livesteam Summer is the perfect time for journeys! We invite you to travel with us as we spend the summer focusing on Biblical journeys full of Spirit-filled lessons, and unpack what these teachings mean for everyday life. Join us for The Journeys of […]
5:30pm Saturday Sanctuary Same great message as Sundays paired with contemporary music and prayer. This summer join us for a message series about The Journeys of Paul.
Fueled by the Spirit - Life Lessons from the Road 10:45am Sanctuary + Livesteam Summer is the perfect time for journeys! We invite you to travel with us as we spend the summer focusing on Biblical journeys full of Spirit-filled lessons, and unpack what these teachings mean for everyday life. Join us for The Journeys of […]
The Memorial Service for Rev. Tom Smith will be held on June 24, 2022 at 10:30 a.m. Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church followed by a light reception. Please keep Kathie Smith and family in your prayers.
Friday, June 24 10:30am | Sanctuary A service will be held giving thanks for the life and witness of Tom Smith, who now rests with you in eternal peace. Give comfort to all who mourn, especially Kathie and children Heather, Nathan, and Holly. Help us all to trust in your promise of resurrection in Jesus […]
5:30pm Saturday Sanctuary Same great message as Sundays paired with contemporary music and prayer. This summer join us for a message series about The Journeys of Paul.
Fueled by the Spirit - Life Lessons from the Road 10:45am Sanctuary + Livesteam Summer is the perfect time for journeys! We invite you to travel with us as we spend the summer focusing on Biblical journeys full of Spirit-filled lessons, and unpack what these teachings mean for everyday life. Join us for The Journeys of […]