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Grief Group

Noon  |  Rm 205

Shepherd of the Hills Care Team and Stephen Ministers invite you to gather for a luncheon to meet and share with others who are experiencing grief or loss.
Start the day by being fed spiritually through worship, followed by physical and emotional nourishment at the grief luncheon.
Grief is not limited to the death of a loved one.  It can be experienced with any loss…unemployment; retirement;  relationship changes, illness, or family conflict.
As a result of these life transitions, feelings of loss, distress, anger, depression, guilt, or pain will probably surface.  You may or may not experience all these feelings because no one grieves in the same way.
When you do have any of these feelings, remember, you are not alone. We want to walk alongside you through your grief journey either at the Grief group luncheon or by receiving a Stephen Minister to personally walk with you during your time of changes.