Holy Week Services

Walk with Jesus
Join us on a journey of faith and reflection as we prepare for the blessings given to us
through Jesus' ultimate sacrifice on the Cross.
Sunday, April 13
8:15am | Sanctuary
10:45am | Sanctuary + Livestream
Sing Hosanna! Spring bursts forth in our Courtyard as we gather to process into worship, waving palm leaves and singing songs of praise in celebration of Jesus' entrance into Jerusalem.
Don't miss the Palm Sunday Festival at 9:30am in the Courtyard with a petting zoo and pony rides for the children and breakfast for everyone!
Thursday, April 17
7:00pm | Sanctuary + Livestream
The lengthening shadows of early evening provide the backdrop for this worship service filled with signs and symbols of Jesus's sacrificial love. Children who have participated in the For You Communion Milestone join with all of us in Holy Communion, as we receive together Jesus's body broken and blood outpoured. The service concludes as the altar is stripped bare and draped in black cloth, symbols that call to mind the impending death of our Lord.
Children's Journey
Friday, March 29
10:30am | Sanctuary
Families are invited to join us as we gather to tell the story of Jesus's great love. This experience connects and engages children in the powerful story of Good Friday, allowing for conversation and child-like wonder to lead the way.
Good Friday Worship
Friday, March 29
7:00pm | Sanctuary + Livestream
Throughout this powerful worship, moving music and striking visuals draw us in to the story of Jesus' final hours. Together, we remember how Jesus's death reveals the depth of God's love.
Prayer walk
Open from Dawn to Dusk
Holy Week is the perfect time to explore new ways to pray with this reflective journey outside amid God's Creation. The Walk begins in the Shepherd's Garden (at the rear of the property) and winds its way through our quiet campus. Scan the QR code found on the Prayer Walk signpost for this online guide to the Walk.
Holy Week Offering
As an ELCA church, we are called to do God’s work in the world and in local communities pursuing justice, peace, and human dignity for and with all people. Our special Easter offering is designated to the Lutheran ministries of Global Refuge (previously Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services). Global Refuge is the largest faith-based national nonprofit exclusively dedicated to helping restore a sense of home to immigrants, asylum seekers, and refugees.
Come celebrate Easter at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church.
Join us in worship on Sunday, April 20 at 7am, 9am, or 11am for services filled with resounding joy.