Dive deep into discovery, connection, and blessings this summer at ShepHills!
Take the Plunge
Sunday, June 2
8:15 + 10:45am | Sanctuary + Online
12pm Noon | Picnic in the Gym
Anniversary Sunday marks the start of summer and the beginning of our faith community 47 years ago! Between services, hear the story of our congregation's beginning from charter and early members. After worship, we'll throw some burgers and dogs on the grill and get out on the dance floor as local musician Sophia Johnson returns to help us celebrate.
Sundays in June and July
9:30am | Gathering Space
Find the path to feeding your soul! Discover what nourishes your faith life within our community through a variety of activities, from learning about our church's history and sacred music to experiencing the beauty of our campus and participating in workshops that foster personal growth and service to others. See the full line up here.
Tuesday Evenings in June
6:00pm | Courtyard
Leave the cooking to us and take this opportunity to mix and mingle with members of our diverse congregation which spans multiple generations! We'll handle the hot stuff (grilling) while you enjoy the cool stuff (friends, breezes, and ice cream). Plus, we've got fun activities lined up for the kids (just ask Megan) and will finish off the evening evening with songs and parables. Fun!
May 26 - June 1
Congregational Trip
Come experience the sights and sounds of this beautiful country and explore the insights and wisdom of ancient Celtic Christianity interwoven with our Lutheran faith today.
June 15 - June 22
Delegation Trip
Each year, Shepherd of the Hills sends a delegation to ILAG in Guatemala, our valued ministry partner, to walk alongside and experience firsthand their impactful initiatives in the region.
Saturday, June 29
2:00pm | Gym
You are cordially invited to the second annual Tea for Tots, an event benefiting Baby Care Kits for Lutheran World Relief! Bring your besties for an afternoon of tea, delectable treats, prize drawing, silent auction, raffle baskets and more. Get your ticket today!
July 22 - 26
8:30am - 3:00pm | Gym
Join us at Day Camp, where the fun never stops and every day is an adventure with Jesus! Staff from Chrysalis Camp will be here to facilitate, so invite your friends and neighbors. If the cost is a barrier, please talk to Megan Getman, Coordinator of Children's Ministry. Completed K-4th grade, register your kids today!
June 30 - July 5
Kerrville, TX
Camp Chrysalis is life-changing-it's full of spontaneous fun that packs a life-long impact. From meeting close friends to feeling the presence of God, camp truly shapes who you are. Come grow a lifelong faith! 2nd grade and up.
July 16 - 20
ELCA National Youth Gathering
New Orleans, LA
The Gathering is a time to be affirmed and challenged in your faith, experience new perspectives, and bond with your group and other youths around the country. This happens once every three years-don't miss out. Grades 9-12.
Sundays in August
8:15 + 10:45am Worship
Come bless and be blessed as we begin a new year together.
August 4 College Students
August 11 New Drivers
August 18 Backpacks
August 25 Congregational Blessing