The Weekly Connections

June 17, 2022


Bibles for Haiti

Ends this Sunday, June 19

Father’s Day is just around the corner, and you can honor the father figure in your life by making a donation to help purchase paperback bibles for Haiti. Your donation will help us reach our goal of giving 500 bibles to CHARIS, our Haiti Mission Partner. These bibles are written on a third-grade level in Haitian Creole-perfect for both children and adults in the 5 new villages served by CHARIS in central Haiti.

Saturday Contemporary Worship + Commissioning of Campers

5:30 p.m.  |  Sanctuary
Come participate in the commissioning of our campers as they head off for new faith-filled adventures at Camp Chrysalis. In July and August, we will be pausing our Saturday Contemporary Worship. Justin Stephens, our Contemporary Worship Leader, will lead worship at 10:45 a.m. on July 10th and August 14th. Justin and Josh Norem will also be playing at other services this summer.

Sunday Worship

8:15 a.m.  Worship |  Sanctuary
10:45 a.m.  Worship |  Sanctuary + Livestream

Join us this Sunday as we accompany Paul on his second journey, celebrate Father’s Day, and recognize Juneteenth with prayers for kindness and justice for all people.

Sunday Breakfast for All

9:30 a.m.  – 10:15 a.m. |  Activity Center
Enjoy breakfast with friends. Please don’t forget the freewill offering found on the table, or give online anytime by selecting the Fellowship Events/Breakfast Fund.

Sunday Adult Bible Study 

9:30 a.m. |  Library + Zoom
An in-depth study of the week’s scripture. Contact Ruby Cadenhead for more information.

Grief Support Luncheon 

Noon |  Room 205
The Shepherd of the Hills Care Team and Stephen Ministers invite you to a luncheon to meet and share with others who are experiencing grief. Please RSVP by emailing Rebecca Guengerich, or calling 512-796-0991. If you are unable to attend but want to talk about future support group options or receiving a Stephen Minister, please get in touch!

this week’s highlights

Check Realm Events or the website calendar for a complete list of events.

Grow – Pray – Study (GPS) is BACK!

Paul’s Second Missionary Journey
Fueled by the Spirit, this daily guide enriches our faith as we continue to explore the Life Lessons from the Journey of Paul. Look for an email on Monday with a link to the week’s daily guided prayer, or find it here by scrolling down. You can also find it by going to the website, selecting the “CONNECT” tab in the navigation bar at the top of the page, and then “Grow, Pray, Study” from the pull-down menu.

Race to Jesus

7:00 p.m. |  Larry and Carole Morgan’s Home

Be a part of this weekly gathering facilitated by Carole Morgan to read and discuss the book “Race to Jesus” in which author Dr. Clarence Hill identifies opportunities for building healthier personal and working relationships with others outside of our ethnic groups or any group outside of our comfortable and familiar sphere. The first meeting will introduce the book, and subsequent meetings will cover a chapter a week through lively discussions and activities that support what we are reading.
Please let us know if you would like to be a part of this group by emailing Dabney in the church office.

Caring for God’s Creation Team Meeting

9:00 a.m. |  Library

You’re invited to participate in brainstorming for the future with the Caring for God’s Creation Team! The Shepherd’s Garden, the vegetable garden plots, and the Prayer Walk are just a few of the contributions this team has made that enrich our faith life by keeping us in relationship with God’s gift of nature. Come share your thoughts!

Rev. Dr. Tom Smith Memorial Service

10:30 a.m. |  Sanctuary

A service will be held giving thanks for the life and witness of Tom Smith, who now rests with God in eternal peace. Give comfort to all who mourn, especially Kathie and children Heather, Nathan, and Holly. A light reception will follow in the Activity Center.

Camp Chrysalis

Our kids are at camp this coming week! Keep them in your prayers, and follow the fun on our Facebook and Instagram pages!

Stand Up – Speak Up! Prayer Vigil for World Refugees

6:30 p.m. |  Sanctuary

Save the date for this Vigil, a part of LIRS’ (Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service) annual Stand Up, Speak Up program, which brings together interfaith communities across the country to lift a unified voice to welcome and advocate for immigrants and refugees coming to the United States.


New on the Website

You can now find the Weekly Connections and Grow Pray Study (GPS) on the website! Go to the homepage (, hover over “CONNECT” in the navigation bar at the top of the page, and select “Newsletters” from the pull-down menu. We will continue to send a Friday email with a link to the Weekly Connections, and a Monday email with a link to the week’s GPS, but if you miss the emails, or don’t get them, now you can find this information on the website!

Butterfly Center Construction Update

Demolition is nearly complete and prep work for framing, windows, and rough-in plumbing are underway! Click here and scroll for photos!

Mariposa Family Learning Center (A ministry of Austin City Lutherans)

Find out more about current renovations, new grants, and their booth at Fiesta Austin by following Mariposa FLLC on Facebook and Instagram!

ways to give

Giving is an expression of joy and gratitude for the bounty of God’s goodness! There are so many ways to give-both financially and through serving.

Pledges and Gifts

Keeping current with your pledged or regular giving while you travel has never been easier because you can do it all online! In addition, here are a few special giving opportunities this month:

Ends Sunday, June 19

Your donation will help us reach our goal of purchasing 500 bibles at $3.00 each for CHARIS, our Haiti Mission Partner. Thank you for helping to spread the Word of God!

Join us in blessing our commitment to ministry with a special gift that uses the number 45…$4.50, $45.00, $450.00…or even $4500. Thank you for being a vital part of Shepherd of the Hills!


Serving is a great way to give back and get to know others in our community. Whether you are interested in serving locally, being part of a global mission, or volunteering to help in a variety of ways on Sundays, we have a place for you! Here are some special opportunities to serve:


Willing to share what you’ve learned along the road of life? A mentor is wanted for a young man who will soon age out of BeREAL (he will turn 21 in October). He’s a responsible kid that’s been attending ACC but needs some advice and guidance in deciding on a career path, budgeting, saving, and general adulting. Please contact Kathy Gerhardt with all your questions!

prayers of the people

We pray for Sandy Nielsen, Rodney Varner, Tom Lueders, and Walter and Stacia DeBill.

We pray for family and friends of Shepherd members: Stirling Johnson, granddaughter of Sylvia & Curtis Johnson.

We give thanks for the life and witness of Tom Smith, who now rests with you in eternal peace.  Give comfort to all who mourn, especially Kathie and children Heather, Nathan, and Holly.  Help us all to trust in your promise of resurrection in Jesus Christ.

Be with our campers Sawyer Dertien, Miller Dertien, Austin Eckermann, Seth Hansen, Luke Hansen, Lillian Murray, Keaton Robertson, Owen Wegner, Pastor Lauren, and Joel Timmons this week as they embark on a week at Camp Chrysalis. May you give them a sense of wonder and curiosity as they encounter your love in creation and new experiences, in Bible studies and worship, and in laughter and play.

On this Juneteenth, remembering the end of slavery in Texas, we pray for all people enslaved in the world. Thank you for those who work in places to provide equal opportunity for all. In our care and compassion for all people, may we do justice and love kindness, walking humbly with you.

God of Compassion, Our nation and world suffer from a lack of compassion, expressed through hate, violence of words and actions, and walls of exclusion. This is not your intent for creation. It is a sin against you. May we, as your Church, rise up and speak out against all the hate-filled voices and all the violence done to harm others. May our prayers lead to action, shaping our own attitudes and contributing to a more just and caring society.

We pray for our global ministry partners: Rev. Karen Castillo in Guatemala; Iglesia Luterana Augustina Virgen del Rosario, Aurora 8 de Octubre, Guatemala. We pray for Malcolm and Joy Henderson and the ministry of CHARIS in Haiti. 

We pray for our local ministries: Mariposa Family Learning Center, Bread For All and Upbring Ministries.

We pray for our faith community, that we may be a church without walls and live out loud…faithfully!

*In need of prayer? Please contact a pastor to be put on the prayer list. Prayers for family and friends are listed for 2 weeks, unless we are notified otherwise.