Weekly Connections

May 24, 2024

[Jesus] Very truly, I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God without being born of water and Spirit. (John 3:5)

8:15 a.m.  | Sanctuary
10:45 a.m. | Sanctuary + Livestream
This Sunday we celebrate the ministry of Mariposa Family Learning Center. Director Sheila Pharis will join us in worship and breakfast with updates on providing affordable daycare to families in the Montopolis neighborhood of Austin. The Adult Choir will fill the air with songs of praise at 8:15, and the Bishop Family Trio (Kristina, Lila, and Isaac Bishop) will play at 10:45.

Preparing for Worship: Before entering the sanctuary, please remember to get your nametag from the Gathering Space, and finish all food and drink. Thank you!

9:15 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. | Gym
Make your morning hassle-free and enjoy this chance to socialize and catch up with friends.

9:30 a.m. | Gym

New to ShepHills? Come learn more about our community during a casual gathering over breakfast. Look for the table with our sign on it! If you can’t make this Sunday, we will also be meeting on Sunday, June 9. Contact Sheep@ShepHills.org.

9:30 a.m.
 | Library + Zoom
The Bible is a book that never grows old. This week we’ll discuss more of 2 Samuel. Contact Ruby Cadenhead.

Sunday, May 26
12:00 p.m. | Room 205

Start the day by being fed spiritually through worship, followed by emotional nourishment as you share with others who are experiencing loss. Lunch is included, and grief is not limited to the death of a loved one. Grief can be experienced through loss such as unemployment, retirement,  relationship changes, illness, or family conflict. Whatever your grief, we are here to walk alongside you. Contact Tamara Allen or Virginia Bosman.

Pictured from left to right: Joel Timmons, Beth Turman, Tamara Allen, Bill Dawson, Pr. Lauren Dow Wegner, Michael Watt, Bob Cannon, June Spann, John Robertson, Megan Hansen, Ted Powell, and Denise Seidel.

In previous years, it was common for the Church Council to set Congregational Goals for the year. These would then be measured and reported on at Staff and Council meetings but probably didn’t get much visibility at the Congregational level other than at Congregational Meetings. That got me to thinking: are there defined ways that the Congregation can get involved and help achieve the targets established by the Council?

The answer is yes, of course, but it comes with a twist. Rather than set goals for the church or the Council, Pastor Lauren and the Council have decided to establish “Areas of Focus” for the entire Congregation. How are Areas of Focus different from Congregation Goals? A goal defines a result, an outcome you want to achieve, like getting an A in World History or losing 10 pounds. On the other hand, an area of focus establishes activities you want to spend your time doing, like studying throughout the semester (not just for tests) or getting regular exercise (walking 3-4 miles 3 times per week). By extension, these activities give you a better chance of achieving your goal.

So for 2024, our Church Council has adopted the following Congregational Areas of Focus:

  1. Engagement and Inclusion: Help generate a more welcoming and accessible environment, seek to include everyone God loves, and increase involvement at ShepHills.
  2. Generosity: Grow a culture of gratitude and generosity across the three pillars of Generosity: time, talent, and monetary giving.
  3. Support New Senior Pastor and Call Process for Associate Pastor: Support and encourage Pr. Lauren in her new duties as senior pastor and support the calling of a new Associate Pastor.

There are numerous activities that the congregation can engage in to support these areas of focus. For example, under Engagement and Inclusion, you could volunteer to help those with mobility challenges get to and from church or navigate inside the campus more easily. Or, make it a point to seek out 10 people at church who you don’t know well and widen your circle of relationships. Activities under Generosity fall across all aspects of giving of our time, talents, and treasures – we all have something to give. Supporting Pastor Lauren in her new role and in the Call Process for an Associate Pastor can be as simple as attending church regularly or participating in surveys asking for your opinion.

I invite you to continue the conversation by offering up other examples of the ways you can use your unique gifts as we all share in the work of the church. And, please reach out to any of the council members should you have any questions or feedback.

On behalf of Pastor Lauren and the Shep Hills 2024 Council (Megan Hansen, Denise Seidel, Tamara Allen, Ted Powell, June Spann, John Robertson, Beth Turman, and Bob Cannon), your brother in Christ,

Michael Watt
Council Chair

Find out about special summer gatherings at ShepHills.org/Summer 2024, and check the calendars on Realm or the website for a complete list of events!

Monday, May 27
Happy Memorial Day. Contact Sheep@ShepHills.org if you need to get in touch with someone.

Wednesday, May 29
7:30 a.m. | on Zoom

10:00 a.m. | Library + Zoom
Pastor-led studies of the Good Book. Contact Pr. Lauren.

Saturday, June 1 (first Saturdays)
9:00 a.m. | Shepherd’s Garden

Get your hands dirty and join the Caring for God’s Creation Team for our monthly workday. We will do regular maintenance, weed pulling, and whatever else needs to be done to keep things tidy and thriving. We have tools, but bring your own (if you wish), plus gloves, appropriate shoes, bug repellant, and sunscreen. Contact Jeri Porter.

Next Sunday, June 2 | 8:15 + 10:45 a.m. Worship

Celebration Picnic | Noon in the Gym
Anniversary Sunday marks the beginning of our faith community 47 years ago, 20 years of ministry alongside our sister church in Guatemala, and the start of summer programs! Between services, hear the story of our congregation’s beginning from charter and early members. After worship, we’ll throw some burgers and dogs on the grill and get out on the dance floor as local musician Sophia Johnson returns to help us celebrate.

Sunday Mornings in June and July (beginning next Sunday, June 2!)

9:30 a.m. | The Story of ShepHills | Gym
Find the path to feeding your soul by exploring a different topic each week. On Anniversary Sunday, join us in the Gym to hear some of our original members sharing stories from the early days. Check the calendar to see what’s offered each week.

Tuesday Evenings in June (beginning June 4)
6:00 p.m. | Meet in the Courtyard

Leave the cooking to us and take this opportunity to mix and mingle with members of our diverse congregation which spans multiple generations! We’ll handle the hot stuff (grilling) while you enjoy the cool stuff (friends, breezes, and ice cream). Plus, we’ve got fun activities lined up for the kids (just ask Megan) and will finish off the evening evening with songs and parables. Fun!

Thursday, June 6
10:00 a.m. | Trianon Coffee
Join us at Trianon Coffee as we dive into some real talk about life, faith, and everything in between. Contact Joel Timmons.

Saturday, June 8
9:00 a.m. | Butterfly Center
Join us for a fun meet-up/playdate, perfect for families with young children! We’ll have a variety of age-appropriate toys to keep the little ones entertained, and coffee to keep the adults energized. Contact Megan Getman with questions.

Sunday, June 9
9:30 a.m. | Gym

New to ShepHills? Come learn more about our community during a casual gathering over breakfast. Look for the table with our sign on it! Contact Sheep@ShepHills.org.


FFN was a blast! Many of our experienced pickleball players came out to teach, making it an event that brought together people of all ages for a night of food, fun, and fellowship. And a big thanks goes to Melissa Robertson for organizing and implementing these events over the past seven years. Want to know more about Family Fun Nights? Contact Megan Getman with questions.

Last Sunday, NextGen Youth (grades 5-12) celebrated the end of the school year and the start of summer with a splash-filled evening of swimming at the home of Mollie and Jeff Cullinane. For more information about NextGen’s summer calendar, please contact Joel Timmons.


The ELCA Wants to Hear Your Voice on Climate! You are invited to share your attitudes and perspectives through the five-minute American Climate Metric Survey by ecoAmerica. The ELCA partners with ecoAmerica through its Blessed Tomorrow coalition of religious partners. Responses to this survey will help to shape strategy and planning in the coming year. Your responses are anonymous. The survey will close on Tuesday, May 28. Should you encounter any problems or questions while taking the survey, please contact Jennifer Giordano at ecoAmerica. Take the survey.


Read below and visit these websites for more information on how you can support the ministries of Austin City Lutherans! Bread for All and the Move-In Ministry, Mariposa FLC, and Austin City Lutherans. You can also follow them on Facebook @austincitylutherans.

Online Fundraiser
This May, Mariposa invites you to support their annual May Flowers Fundraiser. The goal is ambitious: to raise $100,000 to fund scholarships and support dedicated educators. With our help, they can continue to grow and provide the resources children need to thrive.

BFA is asking for special assistance since Capital Area Food Bank supplies are currently sporadic. Please contribute canned beans, dry beans, peanut butter, and canned tomatoes and veggies. Bring your donations to the bins on weekdays from 9am-4pm, Saturdays from 9-11am, and on Sunday mornings.

Volunteers are welcome to come help set up and/or distribute food to our neighbors through Bread for All Food Pantry. It’s a great opportunity for individuals and groups, young and not so young. Visit the calendar for descriptions, times, and location. Contact Weldon Allison.


Giving is an expression of joy and gratitude for the bounty of God’s goodness! There are so many ways to give financially and through serving.

Keeping current with your pledged or regular giving has never been easier because you can do it all online! Questions? Contact Bill Dawson for help. Thank you for your continued support of our missions and ministries.

Serving is a great way to give back and get to know others in our community. Whether you are interested in serving locally, being part of a global mission, or volunteering to help in a variety of ways on Sundays, we have a place for you!


In need of prayer? Please contact Pr. Lauren to be put on the prayer list.

We pray for:

  • Donna Herschleb
  • Betty Lueders
  • Marie Fortune

We pray for family and friends of Shepherd members:

  • Buddy Kopplin, uncle of Amy Bishop
  • Glenda Rumble, cousin of Terrie Thomas.
  • John Fiandaca, father of Linda Fiandaca
  • Drew Officer and Kate Sheeran, friends of Kathleen Macaulay

O God, we give you thanks for all the saints who have gone before us in faith, and now rest in your eternal life, especially:

  • Steve Van Baest, uncle of Joel Timmons
  • Milton Volney, uncle of Debra Wissman

We pray for your comfort and peace to surround all who grieve, as we trust together in the resurrection promise. We commend Steve and Milton to your never-ending love.

O God, you speak and the face of the earth is renewed. Revive your creation, that habitats and every kind of living thing might flourish. Protect endangered species and help us to care for all your creatures.

O God, give your blessing and peace to the nations. Shelter all who risk life and livelihood to protect others from violence, conflict, and injustice. We pray especially for war-torn regions of the world, for the Holy Land, for all places where peace seems far away. On this Memorial Day weekend, we remember those in our country who have lost their lives in war and conflict.

We pray for Megan DeVaney, who is in Guatemala serving with our mission partners for the next 5 weeks. We give you thanks for the call Megan is following that you have placed on her heart to serve. We pray for Arlene Morris, who will leave for a mission trip to Angola this week. We give you thanks for Arlene’s servant heart, and for the mission work she is engaging. Bless Megan and Arlene as they share your love with God’s people across the world.

God of all people, your work is done with our hands. We pray for our ministry partnership with Mariposa Family Learning Center; for the teachers, the staff, and for Sheila Pharis, Executive Director. We pray for continued growth of the facility and opportunities, and most of all, continued expansion of your love and care reaching the most vulnerable among us. Bless the work of Mariposa, and keep us connected through your Spirit.

Empower us to embody your love for the world.

Would you like someone to pray alongside you during troubling times? A Stephen Minister can travel with you on life’s sometimes bumpy road. Contact Alana Oehler with inquiries about this confidential ministry.

*Prayers for family and friends are listed for 2 weeks unless we are notified otherwise.