Weekly Connections

August 9, 2024

Taste and See the Goodness of the Lord!
The Gospel readings each week of August remind us that Jesus is our Bread of Life, and we will offer a different kind of bread each Sunday for Holy Communion to help us reflect on Jesus as our Bread. Using different breads reminds us that Jesus is present among all of us; no matter what type of bread we receive at Communion, the same Jesus is received in each, and it further reminds us that we as individuals are drawn together into one body. Just as we sing in Now the Feast and Celebration: “As the grains of wheat once scattered on the hill were gathered into one to become our bread. . .So may all your people, from all the ends of the earth, be gathered into one in you.” We will taste this unity as we taste different bread! There will be different gluten-free options, as well. Join us in worship for this unique opportunity to experience God’s love through our sense of taste!

8:15 a.m.  | Sanctuary
10:45 a.m. | Sanctuary + Livestream
Gospel of St. John 6:35, 41-51
This Sunday we gather in the presence of Jesus, the Bread of Life, who offers us eternal life! We will also bless our new drivers as they embrace new independence and the responsibilities it brings. We look forward to seeing you!

Altar Flowers: Given by Bob and Judy Haugen, in celebration of our 34th wedding anniversary.

9:15 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. | Gym
Simplify your morning! Join us every Sunday for breakfast in the gym.

9:15 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. | Gym
It’s August and we are ramping up for another great year! Make sure to show your spirit with a new ShepHills polo or t-shirt. Polos are $30, t-shirts are $20, and youth t-shirts are $15. Cash, check, or charge. Contact Dabney Gomes.

9:30 a.m.
 | Library + Zoom
Please join us as we continue our discussions from the book, Bad Girls of the Bible. Contact Ruby Cadenhead.

NEXTGEN (Grades 5-8, 9-12)
6:00 p.m. | Gym

This is the perfect place to grow your faith through laughter, Bible discussions, and goofy games. Contact Joel Timmons.

The Call Committee is receiving candidates!

For each candidate, we review their Rostered Minister Profile (the pastoral equivalent of a resume) and references and watch an online recording of their preaching. We hold a Zoom interview with each candidate, with open minds and hearts, to learn more about them and introduce them to Shepherd of the Hills. After some individual reflection, the committee discusses each candidate and listens to all voices as we seek God’s guidance for next steps.

From the day of our commissioning, we have been grateful to receive your trust, prayers, suggestions, and words of encouragement. If it seems like the flow of information has not been bidirectional, that has been by design. The Call Committee is bound to strict confidentiality to protect the candidates in this call process. We thank you for your patience and respect of this need for confidentiality, but please know that we look forward to sharing more information with you as we are drawn closer to our new associate pastor! ~ Janice Benzel, Call Committee Co-Chair

Check the calendars on Realm or the website for a complete list of events!

This Saturday, August 10 at 9:00 a.m. | Rm 205
Wednesday, August 14 at 1:00 p.m. | Rm 205

Sewing quilts for Lutheran World Relief. Let us teach you what we know, no experience necessary! Contact Linda Fiandaca or Ruth Felger.

Saturday, August 10
10:00 a.m. | Zoom
As part of ShepHills’ commitment to inclusion, the SWT WELCA invites you to a special Bible study on “The Role of Dehumanization.” This session is part of the Second Saturday Radical Hospitality Series, where important topics are explored that help us better welcome and serve all of God’s children. All are welcome to join us in this meaningful conversation!

7:30 a.m. | Zoom
10:00 a.m. | Library + Zoom
Join us in lively and thought-provoking discussions on the weekly scriptures. Choose the time and place that works for you. Contact Pr. Lauren.

Wednesday, August 14 – Registration Opens
Lifetime Learning Institute will hold select classes at Shepherd of the Hills this fall (classes are held all over Austin). Brochures are on the ledge by the stairs or use this online link to see the class list and register.

Thursday, August 15
1:00 p.m. | Library + Zoom
 If you care for someone in person or from a distance (child, spouse, parent, friend), we welcome you to join us!  Caregiving is a gesture of love, but it also brings many challenging moments. The fellowship of other caregivers acknowledging those challenges and joys and sharing practical tips from experiences can be helpful and supportive. For information email Sandy Smith or call 512-569-6453.

Sunday, August 18
8:15 + 10:45 a.m. | Worship
Everyone’s invited! Bring your backpack and a smile for a special blessing next Sunday that celebrates with the excited, encourages the hesitant and soothes the anxious. Contact Joel Timmons.

Sunday, August 18 | 9:30 a.m. | Gym
Wednesday, August 21 | 7:00 p.m. | Zoom
A congregation meeting packet with proposed bylaw changes and spending plan documents was mailed this week in preparation for the upcoming Congregational Meeting on August 25. Please review it and bring your questions to one of the forums to review two important agenda items. The 1st item concerns updating our church bylaws to be consistent with changes in nonprofit law, to reflect the current organization of ShepHills, and to be consistent with our church operations. The 2nd item is to review the council-approved spending plan for fiscal year 2024-2025 (starting on 9/1/24). Contact Bill Dawson.

Sunday, August 25 | 12:15 p.m. | Gym
Lunch and Childcare Provided
Members are invited to vote on ratification of ShepHills’ 2024-25 spending plan (budget) and revisions to the bylaws. Contact Bill Dawson.


Saturday, September 7
9:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. | First Baptist Church of Austin
Does your faith influence your vote? Should it? Ever given it any thought? JustSisters invites Christian women into a safe space to hear panelists and participate in table conversations. Click here for an in-depth agenda, and to register.

Sunday, September 8
9:15 – 10:15 a.m. | Gym
This is the day ELCA congregations join together for an annual day of service to celebrate who we are – one church, freed in Christ to serve and love our neighbor. ShepHills will honor the day by assembling over 200 Baby Care Kits for Lutheran World Relief. Join us! Contact Kathy Gerhardt.

Sunday, September 15
9:15 – 10:15 a.m. | Gym
Are you interested in a trip to Holden Village or Guatemala? Would your kids like to attend camp at Rainbow Trails, Chrysalis, or day camp at ShepHills? This is your chance to get the dates on your calendar, learn more about what to expect, and register! Contact Joel Timmons.


The youth made a splash at Schlitterbahn last Wednesday, soaking in fun, laughter, and a whole lot of sunscreen!


Thanks for your continued support and volunteer participation at Bread For All. Our numbers were off the charts for July. Read Pr. Tim Anderson’s report to find out why.


Giving is an expression of joy and gratitude for the bounty of God’s goodness! There are so many ways to give financially and through serving.

Keeping current with your pledged or regular giving has never been easier because you can do it all online! Questions? Contact Bill Dawson for help. Thank you for your continued support of our missions and ministries.

All sizes of diapers are needed and we continue to covet (in a good way) donations of peanut butter, dried beans, and canned goods. Bring your donations to the bins on weekdays from 9am-4pm, Saturdays from 9-11am, and Sunday mornings.

Volunteers are welcome to help with setup and food distribution at the Bread for All Food Pantry. This is a wonderful opportunity for individuals and groups of all ages. For more information on descriptions, times, and locations, please visit the calendar or contact Weldon Allison.


In need of prayer? Please contact Pr. Lauren to be put on the prayer list.

We pray for Marie Fortune and Hunter Clark.

We pray for family and friends of Shepherd members: Drew Officer and Kate Sheeran, friends of Kathleen Macaulay; Justin Cain, son-in-law of Rex and Sheila Fortune; Mary Campbell, aunt of Laura Hills; Amy Pike, friend of Pastor Lauren; Ben Funk, stepfather of Lynn Spillar; Audrey Lentz, sister of Donna Auby; Chuck Wiemann, cousin of Jan Burnight; Joyce Carter, cousin of Karen Flint; and Edgar Smith, son of Norma Smith.

O God, we give you thanks for all the saints who have gone before us in faith, and now rest in your eternal life, especially: LaWayne Guengerich, father of Steve Guengerich; Florence Diehl, mother of Linda Miller; and Teedle Steele, great-grandmother of Joel Timmons. We pray for your comfort and peace to surround all who grieve, as we trust together in the resurrection promise. We commend LaWayne, Florence, and Teedle to your never-ending love.

God, we give you thanks for our new drivers. As you entrust them with newfound responsibility and freedom, we pray that you watch over them and keep them safe. Give them wisdom and discernment.

O God, you have built your church on the foundation of Jesus Christ, and as we continue in the call process for an Associate Pastor, we pray for your wisdom to guide us. Bless our call committee as they continue in this diligent and faithful work. Bless all the candidates who come our way and give us clarity when it is time to extend a call. Send your Holy Spirit upon us.

O God, we give you thanks for all the ways you send us to serve your people.  Bless our ministry partnerships here in Austin through Austin City Lutherans; in Texas through Upbring Ministries; in our country and in the world through Lutheran World Relief and other ELCA ministries; globally through ILAG in Guatemala and Charis in Haiti.  Keep us connected in your love and grace. 

Would you like someone to pray alongside you during troubling times? A Stephen Minister can travel with you on life’s sometimes bumpy road. Contact Alana Oehler with inquiries about this confidential ministry.

*Prayers for family and friends are listed for 2 weeks unless we are notified otherwise.