Weekly Connections

September 13, 2024
This weekend is an exciting time for our congregation as we welcome the Primary Candidate for Associate Pastor! An email with more information on our candidate was sent to voting members by Pr. Lauren and the Call Committee via Realm this morning. Please join us for a special Meet & Greet on Saturday. On Sunday, come worship in person (there will be no live stream for confidentiality) to hear the candidate preach. Find more information on these events below.

Gifting and Blessing of the Bibles last Sunday

8:15 a.m.  | Sanctuary
10:45 a.m. | Sanctuary + Livestream
Join us this Sunday as we reflect on the Gospel of Mark 8:27-38 and what it means to truly follow Jesus. Plus, hear our Primary Candidate for Associate Pastor preach at both services (!) and enjoy the joyful voices of the Kids’ Choir at 10:45.

Updated Assisted Listening Devices Available
We are excited to offer personal assisted listening devices to all worshippers in our sanctuary. These small, discreet devices provide a direct feed from the microphones used throughout the service, ensuring a clear and enhanced listening experience. They come with optional ear pieces or can be connected to existing hearing aids via telecoil loop (“hearing loop”). Fresh batteries are installed, and the devices are ready for use. You can pick one up and learn how to use it at the audio/visual booth before the service begins.

Altar Flowers are given by Dan and Audrey Lunecki in celebration of their 45th wedding anniversary

9:15 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. | Gym
Simplify your morning and have breakfast here.

9:30 a.m.
 | Library + Zoom
This Sunday we continue our study of the Book of James. Contact Ruby Cadenhead.

9:40 a.m. | Gym
THIS IS FOR EVERYONE! You’ll hear firsthand about our upcoming trips and camps. Whether you’re looking for a reflective retreat at Holden Village, an international mission in Guatemala, high-adventure thrills at Rainbow Trail, or fun-filled days at camp, there’s something for you. Plus, you’ll get all the take-home info you need to start planning for 2025!

9:40 a.m. | Family Ministry Center
PreK through Grade 4 are invited to join the group upstairs in the Family Ministry rooms. We begin the morning with Music with Kevin and then gather for stories, crafts, and games to learn about God’s everlasting love. Contact Megan Getman.

NEXTGEN (Grades 9-12)
4:45 p.m.
 | Austin’s Pizza
New this fall, high school youth will meet for Bible Study down the street at Austin’s Pizza and are welcome to join grades 5-8 for games at the church at 6pm. Contact Joel Timmons.

NEXTGEN (Grades 5-8)
6:00 p.m.
 | Gym
Games, friends, and a quick Bible Study make for a great start to the week. Contact Joel Timmons. While you wait for Sunday evening to roll around, sign up for the Middle School Retreat at Camp Chrysalis on November 15th-17th.

Check the calendars on Realm or the website for a complete list of events!

Saturday, September 14
3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. | Gym
3:30 p.m. | Q + A begins
Join us for a special Meet & Greet with our Primary Candidate for Associate Pastor. The Congregational Q&A will begin at 3:30 p.m., offering an opportunity to hear directly from the candidate, ask questions, and gain insight into their approach to ministry. This is a vital part of our discernment process—your questions and feedback are invaluable!

Childcare will be available from 2:45 – 5:15 p.m. Contact Megan Getman.

Sunday, September 15
8:15 a.m. + 10:45 a.m. | Sanctuary
The Primary Candidate will preach at both services. For confidentiality, there will be no livestream, so we encourage you to attend in person and say hello to the candidate and their family at breakfast!

Saturday, September 14 @ 9:00 a.m. | Rm 205
You only need to know how to tie a knot, we will teach you the rest of what it takes to make quilts for Lutheran World Relief. Contact Linda Fiandaca or Ruth Felger.

Saturday, September 14
9:00 a.m. | Shepherd’s Garden
Weeding and general maintenance are on the agenda! Bring water and wear sunscreen. Contact Jeri Porter.

7:30 a.m. | Zoom
10:00 a.m. | Library + Zoom
Join us in lively and thought-provoking discussions on the weekly scriptures. Choose the time and place that works for you. Contact Pr. Lauren.

Tuesday, September 17

Serve a two-hour shift
3 shifts between 3:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
It’s ShepHills’ Tuesday to serve! LuMin (Lutheran Campus Ministry at UT Austin) serves grilled hamburgers to 350 to 400 students (for free) every Tuesday and needs our help. Talk about some hungry college students! We have added more slots, click here to sign up and find directions. Contact Joel Timmons.

Thursday, September 19

1:00 p.m. | Library + Zoom
 If you care for someone in person or from a distance (child, spouse, parent, friend), you know that caregiving is a gesture of love and brings many challenging moments. This fellowship of other caregivers acknowledges those challenges and shares practical tips. For information email Sandy Smith or call 512-569-6453.


Sunday, September 22
8:15 a.m. + 10:45 a.m. | Sanctuary
Make sure to join us on this special Sunday when Aaron Lack and the Vibetet bring their musical talents to worship.

Sunday, September 22

9:30 a.m. | Gym
Rev. Tim Anderson, director of Austin City Lutherans, will give an update on ACL’s ministry efforts, leading a conversation about Bread For All Food Pantry, Mariposa Family Learning Center, Move-In Ministry, and other ACL efforts. Come join the conversation!

Sunday, September 22
12:15 p.m. | Sanctuary
We will gather for a Special Congregational Meeting to vote on extending a call to the Primary Candidate and approving their compensation package. Your participation in this important decision is crucial!


New Finance Officer at ShepHills

After several months of interviews and discernment by our Finance Search Team, we are grateful and excited to welcome Hilary Russell to our staff beginning Monday, September 16. She brings many years of experience in finance, including nonprofit accounting. Born and raised in Austin, Hilary started college at CU Boulder, then transferred and graduated from St. Edward’s University. She loves hiking, swimming, yoga, and the outdoors. Fun fact: Hilary lived in Mérida, Mexico, for almost three years to learn Spanish. The eldest of five, with a twin brother as her best friend, Hilary grew up surrounded by family and loved the chaos of it! She has one child, Roen Zamenski, who is in 2nd grade.

Assembling Baby Kits as a service project for the ELCA’s God’s Work, Our Hands


God’s Work, Our Many, Many Hands
Thank you to everybody who participated in the Baby Kit assembly last Sunday. We successfully put together 250 kits in 45 minutes! Lutheran World Relief will distribute them worldwide to families in areas of poverty, natural disaster, conflict, or other critical situations.
A special thank you to all the blanket makers. Each one was beautifully made. They will be cherished for the love and care that went into making them.
A shout-out to all the assembly day staff:
Pastor Lauren, Dabney Gomes, Amanda Forsberg, Linda Rosele, Mark Gerhardt, Larry Wikelius, Sandy Wikelius, Dawn Paulson, Karen Flint, Tamara Allen, Debra Ayoub, Nader Ayoub, Janice Benzel,  Kristina Bishop, Lila Bishop, Alison Cannon, Sharon Collins, Deb Darnell, Sara Dawson, Linda Fiandaca, Ruth Felger, Barb Hampton, Judy Haugen, Mary Macaulay, Jerry McDonald, Greg McIntosh, Sherry Morgan, Norma Smith, Sandy Smith, Lynn Spillar, Tiffany Stein, Karen Stern, and Christie Urelius.

With Thanks, Kathy Gerhardt

Joel Timmons delivering food for Meals on Wheels


Voter Registration Deadline
Monday, October 7
Texas Impact encourages people to live out their faith, and wants to remind everyone to register to vote by October 7! This is especially important for those who have recently moved to Texas or turned 18. Everyone should take time to check their voting registration status to make sure it is current, and update it if you have a new address, changed your name, or need to update other information. More information can be found online with the Texas Secretary of State.

People of all ages are invited to a 15-minute online weekly faith practice with the Southwestern Texas Synod. Find out more about this virtual faith community here.

Sunday, September 22
3:00 p.m. | Faith Lutheran Church in Austin
The Southwestern Texas Synod joyously invites you to the Installation of The Rev. Taylor Dieringer as Pastor of Faith Lutheran Church in Austin. You may remember Pr. Taylor as a summer ministry intern at ShepHills in 2017!

Shhh. It’s a secret! If you would like to contribute to a gift book in honor of Pastor Danielle being assembled by Triumphant Love, fill out this form or submit an email to  Lisa@tllc.org with answers to the following questions:
What is your favorite Bible verse?/Why?
What is your favorite Worship Song or Hymn?/Why?
What is your favorite memory of Pastor Danielle?


Giving is an expression of joy and gratitude for the bounty of God’s goodness! There are so many ways to give financially and through serving.

Keeping current with your pledged or regular giving has never been easier because you can do it all online! Questions? Contact Bill Dawson for help. Thank you for your continued support of our missions and ministries.

All sizes of diapers are needed and we continue to covet (in a good way) donations of peanut butter, dried beans, and canned goods. Bring your donations to the bins on weekdays from 9am-4pm, Saturdays from 9-11am, and Sunday mornings.

Volunteers are welcome to help with setup and food distribution at the Bread for All Food Pantry. This is a wonderful opportunity for individuals and groups of all ages. For more information on descriptions, times, and locations, please visit the calendar or contact Weldon Allison.


In need of prayer? Please contact Pr. Lauren to be put on the prayer list.

We pray for: Marie Fortune; Hunter Clark; Ann Watt; Larry Morgan; and John Fenton.

We pray for family and friends of Shepherd members: Drew Officer and Kate Sheeran, friends of Kathleen Macaulay; Justin Cain, son-in-law of Rex and Sheila Fortune; Mary Campbell, aunt of Laura Hills; Amy Pike, friend of Pastor Lauren; Audrey Lentz, sister of Donna Auby; Joyce Carter, cousin of Karen Flint; Joe Carlos, father of Sandy Wikelius; Glenda Rumble, cousin of Terrie Thomas; and Emma Katherine Phillips, sister of Hilary Russell.

God, we give you thanks for all the saints who have gone before us in faith and now rest in eternal life, especially Millie Combs, mother of Becky Combs, and Anne Loesch, friend of Madeline Hartmann. We commend Millie and Anne to your everlasting love as we trust in the promise of resurrection in Christ.

God of new life, we give you thanks for the birth of Lewis Ryan Martinson, son of Ally Miller Martinson and Ryan Martinson, grandson of Peter and Linda Miller. Bless Lewis with your love and grace as he grows, and give Ally and Ryan your wisdom and strength as they rejoice in this gift you have given them.

O God, we thank you for guiding our discernment process as we seek an Associate Pastor to join us in ministry. We pray for Pastor Ryan and his family, and for our congregation, as we seek your will for our future together.

God, you send us to serve.  We are grateful for our partnership with Lutheran World Relief, and we pray that you strengthen the ministries of LWR as we seek, together, to meet the physical and spiritual needs of your people.

Would you like someone to pray alongside you during troubling times? A Stephen Minister can travel with you on life’s sometimes bumpy road. Contact Alana Oehler with inquiries about this confidential ministry.

*Prayers for family and friends are listed for 2 weeks unless we are notified otherwise.