October 13, 2023
The Baby Care Kits Team has raised funds, shopped, organized, and removed tags in preparation for this Sunday’s Baby Care Kit Assembly for Lutheran World Relief. Come help!
What is Synergy? It’s what you see here every Sunday-it’s how we worship, learn, serve, and give to support our community of faith and spread the love of Jesus.
8:15 a.m. | Sanctuary
10:45 a.m. | Sanctuary + Livestream
We continue to be guided in worship by the book of Ephesians. This week we contemplate Paul’s writings about humility. UT Lutheran Campus Ministry (LUMIN) students join us for worship, and Choir and Bells will be at the 10:45 service.
9:15am | Activity Center
This is a day for coming together in service. Come help assemble 200 Baby Care Kits for Lutheran World Relief. It’s a simple and rewarding activity, fun for every age, and all are encouraged to participate. Breakfast will be served!
9:30 a.m. | library + Zoom
Join us as we move with intent through the book of Ephesians. Contact Ruby Cadenhead.
9:40 a.m. | Family Ministry Center
Toddlers thru Grade 4
Sunday’sCool and Music with Kevin is on as usual! Janice, Katie, Madeline, and Erin have amazing plans for the kiddos and Kevin does a brilliant job preparing kids to sing in worship. Contact Megan Getman.
Noon | Rm 205
Shepherd of the Hills Care Team and Stephen Ministers invite you to gather for a luncheon to meet and share with others who are experiencing grief or loss. RSVP to Rebecca Guengerich.
Learn more about our other Care Ministries that are here for you.
6:00 p.m. | Activity Center | Grades 5-8, 9-12
Synergy: Throughout the month of October we’re diving into the theme of Synergy. This theme will be prevalent in learning, serving, and giving this month. Check out shephills.org/synergy for all the ways you and your youth can participate. Contact Joel Timmons.
6:00 p.m. | Solomon’s Porch
Stick around for a time of prayer, study, and community with other NextGen parents. Contact Pr. Lauren.
Check the calendars on Realm or the website for a complete list of all our events!
Click here for a full list of Synergy events in October, and join us for faith-filled mission and ministry.
Friday, October 13
6:00 p.m. | Activity Center
We are painting pumpkins and making caramel apples. Bring your dinner, enjoy some fellowship, and decorate a pumpkin. Contact Megan Getman.
Saturday, October 14
15 min prayer slot | at church or at home
You can pray from anywhere! Join us for a Prayer Vigil from 8am to 8pm. Sign up for a 15-minute prayer slot and pray from the heart for the world, our community. Reserve your spot on Sign Up Genius to ensure full coverage, and find helpful prayer guides.
Saturday, October 14
8:00 a.m. | Butterfly Center
Enjoy camaraderie and spiritual connection with a serving of eggs on the side. Contact Weldon Allison.
Saturday, October 14 at 9:00 a.m. | Rm 205
A hands-on ministry creating quilts for Lutheran World Relief. Contact Linda Fiandacca.
Tuesday, October 17
Serve a two-hour shift
Begins at 3:00pm, ends at 7:30pm
It’s ShepHills’ Tuesday to serve! LuMin (Lutheran Campus Ministry at the University of Texas in Austin) serves grilled hamburgers to 350 to 400 students (for free) every Tuesday. Talk about some hungry college students! We have added more slots, click here to sign up and find directions. Contact Joel Timmons or Rebecca Guengerich.
Wednesday, October 18
7:30 a.m. | Zoom
10:00 a.m. | Library + Zoom
Great reading, great discussion, TWO TIMES. Contact Pr. Tom or Pr. Lauren
Thursday, October 19
6:30pm | Sanctuary
God calls us to be a people who stand with others amid suffering. This will be a short 30-minute service centered on prayer for peace in the Middle East.
Saturday, October 21
11:00 a.m. | Sanctuary
A memorial service will be held to remember the life of Mogga Dogale, who is entrusted to the power and the promise of the resurrection life in Jesus Christ. Mogga Dogale is the son of Flora Lano and brother of Wuseng, Lado, Kafuki, Petia, and Gore Dogale. A reception will follow in the Activity Center.
“Gratitude flows from the recognition that who we are and what we have are gifts to be received and shared.”—Henri Nouwen
Giving online is a great way to stay current with your pledge or set up a recurring gift. Thank you for your continued support of our missions and ministries.
With Commitment Sunday on October 29, it’s never too early to start thinking about your giving. Find interesting information on what “tithing” means, and use their free calculator to plan a recurring gift by clicking here.
Wondering WHAT pledging is and WHY it’s important? Read this fact sheet and learn a lot in a small amount of time.
Take a moment to read September’s ministry update from Upbring BeREAL. Your gifts are helping two young adults achieve self-sufficiency.
Donation Needs
BeREAL, a ministry of Upbring providing services for those aging out of foster care, is asking for donations of hygiene items, silverware, and dishes (plates, bowls, cups). Please bring your donations to the small bin labeled “BeREAL”. Contact Kathy Gerhardt with questions.
Donation Bins | Gathering Space
Thank you for keeping donations of non-perishable food and diapers flowing throughout the month by bringing it to the bins each week. Bread for All has urgently requested the following items. Contact Weldon Allison if you have questions.
- Pasta/spaghetti (the foodbank has not had any pasta for a few months)
- Canned soups
- Dry beans (pinto or black)
- Rice
- Bags (paper, plastic & 13 ga. plastic)
Whether you are interested in serving locally, being part of a global mission, or volunteering to help in a variety of ways on Sundays, we have a place for you!
We still need once-a-month volunteers on a Wednesday and/or Thursday. Volunteer duties consist of picking up meals from Holy Cross and delivering them on a dedicated route. A route typically takes about 30 minutes. Contact Weldon Allison.
In need of prayer? Please contact a pastor to be put on the prayer list.
We pray for Rodney Varner, Lydia Perkunas and Yulah Sisler.
We pray for family and friends of Shepherd members: Mike Schrader, son of Inez Schrader; and Maxine Johnson, sister of Donna Auby.
God of Life, We pray for Sara Dawson and family on the death of her aunt, Sally Sunkel. Surround all who mourn with the peace and promise of resurrection.
God of unity and Love, Through Jesus you say to us that whoever wishes to be first must become the least and the servant of all. May this time of worship and praise be a reminder that your victory is won through the cross. We pray that your church may be one. Teach us to accept humbly that this unity is a gift of your Spirit; Through this gift, change and transform us, unite us with the mind of Christ. Lord, in your mercy…
God of Peace, as wars continue on the battlefield, in the halls of our government, in the on-line bullying and lying, equip us with the power of your Spirit to stand for those without power or position, and give us the courage to stand for what You stand for. Lord, in your mercy…
Holy God, as war has once again broken out in the Holy Land, we lift to you prayers for peace and resolution to this age-old conflict among your people. Draw near to the victims, and inspire leaders to seek your will and your guidance. It’s so complicated, Lord, and we will never fully understand the depth of this conflict. But we do know you are with your people, on all sides, in all moments, and we pray for your Spirit to be heard.
Lord of Life, as we focus our attention this month on renewal and unity as your church, inspire in each and every person a feeling of belonging and participating in a faith community that welcomes all, participates in the mission and ministry you call us to do, and generously supports the sharing of your love in Guatemala, Haiti, the ELCA, and the ministries of Austin City Lutherans—Mariposa and Bread for All. Be with all who lead those ministries and all whose lives are impacted. Lord, in your mercy…
Would you like someone to pray alongside you during troubling times? Contact Rebecca Guengerich to find (or learn more about) a Stephen Minister who can travel with you on life’s sometimes bumpy road.
*Prayers for family and friends are listed for 2 weeks unless we are notified otherwise.