Weekly Connections

November 24, 2023


8:15 a.m.  | Sanctuary
10:45 a.m. | Sanctuary + Livestream
Come as you are, let’s journey in faith together! This week we welcome new members:

Meet George and Kissiah Carlson!

George grew up in Illinois, earned a BS in Mining Engineering, and worked for Shell Oil. He enjoys woodworking and photography.

Kissiah is a Texan from Midland, and has a BS in Art Education. Her hobbies include spinning, weaving, and painting.

They are the proud parents of two children, Jonathon and Adelle, and two granddaughters, Kissiah and Michaela. (Adelle and her daughters Kissiah and Michaela are members of Shephills!)

Meet the Wykrent Family!

Ryan grew up in the Dallas area, served in the Navy, and attended Texas A&M. He found his way to Austin with 3M where he currently works. 

Heather grew up in Austin and never left. She attended The University of Texas and taught 1st grade, before staying home with her 3 daughters. 

Their 3 daughters, Marie, Emma, and Louisa are involved in synchronized swimming, piano, and band.

9:15 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. | Activity Center
Don’t go around hungry, come fill your body and soul with food and conversation.

9:30 a.m.
 | Library + Zoom
The Bible is a book that never grows old, revealing new things every time we read it. Come study it with us. Contact Ruby Cadenhead.

9:45 a.m. | Family Ministry Center
Toddlers thru Grade 4 learn about Jesus’ love in a multi-sensory setting. Contact Megan Getman.

6:00 p.m. | Activity Center

Come grow your faith in extraordinary ways! NextGen is our youth ministry tailored for two groups, grades 5-8 and 9-12, who fill the gym on Sunday evenings with laughter, Bible discussions, and goofy games. Contact Joel Timmons.

6:00 p.m. | Solomon’s Porch

Stick around for a time of prayer, study, and community with other NextGen parents. Contact Pr. Lauren.

Gathering Space
We are still accepting non-perishable food through this Sunday for our Thanksgiving Food Drive benefiting Bread for All. Bring a bag of food and have a little fun by participating in our “What’s Your Preference?” contest. Cast your vote by placing your bag of food under the sign that suits your taste: sweet tea or unsweet tea!

Return Gifts by November 27 | Shelves on the Gathering Space Stair
It’s time! Please return all gifts to the Gathering Space by Monday, November 27, and place them underneath the shelf holding the Giving Trees. Contact Linda Roesle with questions.


“The Lord is coming, always coming. When you have ears to hear and eyes to see, you will recognize him at any moment of your life. Life is Advent; life is recognizing the coming of the Lord.” ~Henri Nouwen

“Come, Emmanuel” is a pocket-sized devotional that will guide you in the Advent tradition of reflection centered on brief prayers known as the “O Antiphons.” Starting November 22, look for the Advent Display in the Gathering Space, and take one home for the season.

December 3, 10, 17
8:15 a.m.  | Sanctuary
10:45 a.m. | Sanctuary + Livestream
December 24
10:45 a.m. | Sanctuary + Livestream (no Worship at 8:15 a.m. on this day, it’s also Christmas Eve!)
Throughout Advent, our worship will seek to help us slow down our frenzied and frenetic lives.  We will gather in quiet and low lighting as we light candles to symbolize the brightness of Christ’s birth into our lives.  We will hear the ancient stories of Scripture that harken us back to the prophecies of old, reminding us that the hope, peace, joy, and love of Jesus have always been part of God’s plan for us. Join us for worship as we prepare our hearts and our lives for Jesus’ birth!

December 6, 13, 20
7:00 p.m.  | Butterfly Center

Join us on Wednesday evenings for a beautiful, contemplative vespers service using the Holden Evening Prayer. In the stillness of the evening, we’ll reflect on the prophets and yearn, as they did, for the coming of the Messiah.

It’s never too early to think about Christmas! Check out service times and descriptions here.


Pledges express your intention to give over the next year. Already a regular giver? Great! Take one more step and submit a pledge card (stating your intention) so we can anticipate your gifting goals and plan our spending accordingly. Win-win! Please visit Shephills.org/pledge for an online pledge card and tools to guide your giving.


Check the calendars on Realm or the website for a complete list of all our events!

Tuesday, November 28

This year ShepHills is participating in the global act of generosity called Giving Tuesday by building awareness and support for our friends in Guatemala in the aftermath of Tropical Storm Pilar. How can you help? Share our #GivingTuesday social media posts with your followers. If you are not on social media, we will send an email on Tuesday for you to forward to family and friends. It will contain information on the crisis and a link to give.  Thank you for sharing grace and generosity! Questions? Contact Dabney Gomes.

Wednesday, November 29

7:30 a.m. | Zoom
10:00 a.m. | Library + Zoom
Great reading, great discussion, TWO TIMES. Contact Pr. Lauren

Friday, December 8

6:00 p.m. | Activity Center
Join us for a ‘Christmassy’ activity!  It’s always fun to be together! Contact Megan Getman.

Saturday, December 9

9:00 a.m. | Rm 205
Tying quilts for Lutheran World Relief, everyone can help! Contact Linda Fiandacca.

9-10:30 a.m. | December 9, 2023
| Triumphant Love Lutheran
Head over and eat your fill of yummy pancakes to benefit Mariposa Family Learning Center. For more information, to volunteer, and/or donate, contact Jan Richards at 512-791-4235.

New Dates
: June 15 – 22, 2024
Check your calendars and join us for a focused, intentional time to open our hearts to the Guatemalan people and discern how we can assist the Lutheran Church of Guatemala (ILAG) in its mission of providing the necessary tools that help spiritual and material development in vulnerable communities. For more details, contact Joel Timmons.


“Gratitude flows from the recognition that who we are and what we have are gifts to be received and shared.”—Henri Nouwen

Giving online is a great way to stay current with your pledge or set up a recurring gift. Questions? Contact Finance Controller Kevin Marlow for help. Thank you for your continued support of our missions and ministries.

Whether you are interested in serving locally, being part of a global mission, or volunteering to help in a variety of ways on Sundays, we have a place for you!


This summer our Guatemala Team witnessed firsthand the severity of the drought caused by the current El Nino weather system. As a result of this drought, 34 families from our sister church Iglesia Luterana Augustina Virgen del Rosario in Aurora, Guatemala lost all of their crops. Subsequently, the torrential rains accompanying Hurricane Pilar in late October washed away newly planted seed corn, and this potential crop was also lost. If you would like to support a family with corn and corn seed, please donate. The cost is $175 per family, and donations of any amount are greatly appreciated.


In need of prayer? Please contact a pastor to be put on the prayer list.

We pray for Rodney Varner and Tamara Allen.

We give you thanks for opportunities to gather on retreat, and we pray for the 11 families who are attending the Advent Family Retreat at Camp Chrysalis this coming weekend:  Davies Family, Dertien family, Eckermann family, Grotrian family, Hansen family, Hartmann family, Murray family, Robertson family, Smith family, Wegner family, and Megan Getman, our children’s minister. Grant them safe travel, rest and rejuvenation with their families, and growth in faith!  

God of Peace, as wars continue on the battlefield, in the halls of our government, in the online bullying and lying, equip us with the power of your Spirit to stand for those without power or position, and give us the courage to stand for what You stand for.

Holy God, as war has once again broken out in the Holy Land, we lift to you prayers for peace and resolution to this age-old conflict among your people. Draw near to the victims, and inspire leaders to seek your will and your guidance. 

Almighty God, you inspire and equip us to serve your people, both here in our community and around the world. Continue to keep us connected in mission and ministry with Austin City Lutherans and the ministries of Mariposa and Bread for All; with our fellow congregation in Guatemala alongside the ministry of ILAG; with the ministry of Charis in Haiti; and with all the places and people you call us to serve. May we be your hands and feet!  

Would you like someone to pray alongside you during troubling times? Contact Rebecca Guengerich to find (or learn more about) a Stephen Minister who can travel with you on life’s sometimes bumpy road.

*Prayers for family and friends are listed for 2 weeks unless we are notified otherwise.