Weekly Connections

June 7, 2024

Photo from Anniversary Sunday on June 4, 2024

8:15 a.m.  | Sanctuary
10:45 a.m. | Sanctuary + Livestream
Blessed be the Holy Trinity, one God, who forgives all our sin, whose mercy endures forever! Join us as we commission the Guatemala Team at 10:45.

9:15 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. | Gym
Make your morning hassle-free and enjoy this chance to socialize and catch up with friends.

9:30 a.m. | Music and Worship Lab | Gathering Space
Why do we sing in worship? What do we sing? And when do we sing it? This week, join Kevin McClure, our joyful Director of Worship and Arts, for a look into hymnology. Kevin will guide us through the stories and meanings behind this week’s hymns, making our musical journey in worship even more special.

Check the calendar to see what we’ll learn each week over the summer during the Discover Series.

9:30 a.m. | Gym

Welcome to ShepHills and a chance to learn more about our community during a casual gathering over breakfast. Look for the table with our sign on it and have a seat! Contact Sheep@ShepHills.org.

9:30 a.m.
 | Library + Zoom
This Sunday we begin our summer program and discuss the book, “Bad Girls of the Bible: And What We Can Learn From Them” by Liz Curtis Higgs. Contact Ruby Cadenhead.

For sale in the Gym during breakfast

Wear your faith! Polos are available for $30. We’ll be accepting checks and credit cards.

NEXTGEN (Grades 5-12)
6:00 p.m.
 | Gym
NextGen continues through the summer, providing a space to share thoughts and questions about faith. Contact Joel Timmons.

Parable Picnics last Tuesday, June 4

Find out about special summer gatherings at ShepHills.org/Summer 2024, and check the calendars on Realm or the website for a complete list of events!

This Saturday, June 8
9:00 a.m. | Butterfly Center
Join us for a fun meet-up/playdate, perfect for families with young children! We’ll have a variety of age-appropriate toys to keep the little ones entertained, and coffee to keep the adults energized. Contact Megan Getman with questions.

This Saturday, June 8 at 9:00 a.m.
Wednesday, June 12 at 1:00 p.m.
Room 205
Sewing quilts for Lutheran World Relief. Let us teach you what we know, no experience necessary! Contact Ruth Felger or Linda Fiandaca with questions.

Tuesday, June 11 (Every Tuesday )
3:30 p.m. | Room 203 + Zoom

Yoga is back! Come honor and celebrate your mind, spirit, and body in this holistic practice. Contact Richard Arndt.

Tuesday, June 11 (Tuesday Evenings in June )
6:00 p.m. | Meet in the Courtyard

Yes, it was HOT, but what a fantastic turnout last week! Let’s keep those summer vibes going! Skip the kitchen duties this Tuesday and connect with friends old and new across generations. We’ll handle grilling dinner while you find the breeze under the trees (have you seen the swamp cooler?). We’ll wrap up the night with fun songs and parables.

Wednesday, June 12
10:00 a.m. | Library + Zoom
Pastor-led study of the Good Book. Contact Pr. Lauren.
The Early Risers class (7:30 a.m. on Zoom) will not meet this summer but will reconvene in August.

Thursday, June 13

10:00 a.m. | Trianon Coffee
Join us at Trianon Coffee as we dive into real talk about life, faith, and everything in between. Contact Joel Timmons.

Next Sunday, June 16 (Sunday Mornings in June and July)

9:30 a.m. | Campus and Creation Tour | Meet in the Gathering Space
Each week we explore something that feeds our faith. On the 16th, bring the whole family as the Caring for God’s Creation Team takes us on a tour of the spiritual spaces they create and tend, each providing a different way to explore our faith. Wear sensible shoes and discover the prayer labyrinth, prayer walk, and the proactive act of recycling. Check the calendar for the full list of Discover topics.

Wednesday, June 19

The church office will be closed in recognition of Juneteenth, commemorating the emancipation of enslaved African Americans in the United States.

Saturday, June 29
2:00 p.m. | Gym

Let us know you’re coming and we’ll put the kettle on. Read more about the event and purchase your ticket today for a chance to bid on silent auction items, win prizes, and raise awareness and support for Lutheran World Relief Baby Care Kits.

Ann Dowdle, left, and Suzanne Boyd, both part of the Knit Wits at Longhorn Village


We are getting closer to our goal for baby blankets! We have 149 knitted, crocheted, and quilted blankets, and need 51 to meet our goal of 200. Thank you to the Prayer Shawl Team! A special thank you to Sandy Smith, Christie Urelius, the Knit Wits at Longhorn Village, and everyone else knitting and crocheting for us.  And a special shout out to Mary McCauley for completing many, many, many baby quilts. If you knit, crochet, or quilt and want to help, contact Kathy Gerhardt.

During Epiphany, many of us chose a star word from the tree in the Gathering Space. These star words were inspirational words of intention to help us look for God in our midst. It’s often easy to miss God in our daily lives, but having a word to guide us can reveal God’s presence in ways we may not have seen before. This is truly the greatest gift.

Now, six months later, we’re asking for reflections on how you’ve seen God’s presence through your star words. We’ve received one from Glena Pfennig, which you can read here, and we would love to hear more. Please send them to Dabney@ShepHills.org.

In 2024, engagement and inclusion to help generate a more welcoming and accessible environment, seek to include everyone God loves, and increase involvement at ShepHills, is one of the Council’s Congregational Areas of Focus. To do this, it is important to tend to our faith as we embrace the diversity of our community and celebrate the lives of all people. Try out these Daily Devotions from Cathedral of Hope that you can read, listen to, or access on Alexa. Simply ask Alexa to “add the ‘Words of Hope’ skill” or “Discover Words of Hope” using your Alexa app.


Read below and visit these websites for more information on how you can support the ministries of Austin City Lutherans! Bread for All and the Move-In Ministry, Mariposa FLC, and Austin City Lutherans. You can also follow them on Facebook @austincitylutherans.

Online Fundraiser
Let’s help prevent homelessness! Austin City Lutherans’ Rent Assistance fundraiser hopes to raise $75,000 in June for distribution to Austin families, thus ensuring they can meet rent and stay in their homes. Here’s how it works: 100% of your donation goes directly to families who apply, present a photo ID, rental or mortgage contract, and an explanation of need. For those approved, checks are hand-delivered by ACL to office managers and property owners. Donate by June 28 at www.breadforall-atx.org.

BFA is asking for special assistance. Food deliveries from the Capital Area Food Bank, their primary supplier, are currently sporadic. Please contribute canned beans, tomatoes and veggies, dry beans, and peanut butter. Bring your donations to the bins on weekdays from 9am-4pm, Saturdays from 9-11am, and Sunday mornings.

Volunteers are welcome to help with setup and food distribution at the Bread for All Food Pantry. This is a wonderful opportunity for individuals and groups of all ages. For more information on descriptions, times, and locations, please visit the calendar or contact Weldon Allison.


Giving is an expression of joy and gratitude for the bounty of God’s goodness! There are so many ways to give financially and through serving.

Keeping current with your pledged or regular giving has never been easier because you can do it all online! Questions? Contact Bill Dawson for help. Thank you for your continued support of our missions and ministries.

Serving is a great way to give back and get to know others in our community. Whether you are interested in serving locally, being part of a global mission, or volunteering to help in a variety of ways on Sundays, we have a place for you!


In need of prayer? Please contact Pr. Lauren to be put on the prayer list.

We pray for: Bob Vorkoper, Betty Lueders, and Marie Fortune.

We pray for family and friends of Shepherd members: LaWayne Guengerich, father-in-law of Rebecca Guengerich; Buddy Kopplin, uncle of Amy Bishop; Glenda Rumble, cousin of Terrie Thomas; Drew Officer and Kate Sheeran, friends of Kathleen Macaulay; Elward Reiss, mother of Dee Jackson.

O God, we give you thanks for all the saints who have gone before us in faith, and now rest in your eternal life, especially: Nathzele Pfluger, mother of Marcy McNeil. We pray for your comfort and peace to surround all who grieve, as we trust together in the resurrection promise. We commend Nathzele to your never-ending love.

O God, you speak and the face of the earth is renewed. Revive your creation, that habitats and every kind of living thing might flourish. Protect endangered species and help us to care for all your creatures.

O God, give your blessing and peace to the nations. Shelter all who risk life and livelihood to protect others from violence, conflict, and injustice. We pray especially for war-torn regions of the world, for the Holy Land, for all places where peace seems far away.

God who sends us out to serve, we pray for Megan DeVaney serving in Guatemala, and Arlene Morris serving in Angola this summer. You have sent Megan and Arlene from this congregation to serve your people. Sustain them and bless them in their ministry.

God, you send us to serve. Bless the ministries of Austin City Lutherans, especially Bread for All and the Rent Assistance ministry. Draw near to those who find themselves in difficult times, and use us to help provide resources for our neighbors to stay in their homes. Empower ACL to continue to serve those in need, as we are your hands and feet.

Would you like someone to pray alongside you during troubling times? A Stephen Minister can travel with you on life’s sometimes bumpy road. Contact Alana Oehler with inquiries about this confidential ministry.

*Prayers for family and friends are listed for 2 weeks unless we are notified otherwise.