What is Lent?
Lent is the forty-day season (excluding Sundays) preceding Easter, recalling Jesus’ forty-day fast in the wilderness after his Baptism. Throughout the season of Lent, we will reflect on God's promises: the promises of old found in the Old Testament, and the new promises God makes through Jesus Christ. As we walk with Jesus through his life, death, and resurrection, we encounter the promises of God for our own lives--promises that carry us through our death and bring about resurrection.
Promises of Old, Promises Anew
Tuesday, February 13
6:00pm - 7:30pm | Gym
Shrove Tuesday, Fat Tuesday, Mardi Gras…whatever you call it…if you love pancakes, butter, and sticky fingers, this is your day! While you’re here, support the Youth trip to the National ELCA Youth Gathering in New Orleans.
Can’t stay for dinner? Drop by and we’ll prepare a to-go box for you to take home to the family. Or fill out an order form ahead of time, and we’ll have it ready to go when you get here.
Wednesday, February 14
6:30am, Noon + 7:00pm | Sanctuary
7:00pm | Livestream
Come reconnect with the rich traditions of our faith on Ash Wednesday with this poignant worship marking the beginning of Lent. The ashes we receive on our foreheads symbolize our earthly mortality, as we are reminded of, and humbled by, the knowledge that it is through Christ that we are given eternal life.
Wednesdays, Feb 21 - Mar 20
Noon | Gym
6:00pm | Gym
Each week, over a light meal, we will engage in small group conversation around the ways we see God through the seemingly ordinary parts of life. Guided discussion will help us consider the gifts of ordinary items that were part of Jesus's journey to the cross: dust, bread, coins, shoes, and oil. (Based on the book Lent in Plain Sight by Jill J. Duffield.)
Lent Offering
As an ELCA church, we are called to do God’s work in the world and in local communities pursuing justice, peace, and human dignity for and with all people. Our special Lent offering is designated to the Lutheran ministries of ELCA World Hunger and Global Refuge (previously Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services). ELCA World Hunger supports sustainable solutions that get at the root causes of hunger and poverty. Global Refuge is the largest faith-based national nonprofit exclusively dedicated to helping restore a sense of home to immigrants, asylum seekers, and refugees.
Lent offerings are collected on Ash Wednesday, Lent Wednesdays, Holy Week, and Easter.