The Weekly Connections

July 8, 2022

Join us this Sunday as Justin Stephens and Josh Norem fill the Sanctuary with spirit-filled praise music at 10:45 a.m. Worship. Make sure and bring the kids for a special Children’s Message by LutherHill camp counselors, followed by the commissioning of Day Campers for the upcoming week.


Sunday Worship

8:15 a.m.  Worship |  Sanctuary
10:45 a.m.  Worship |  Sanctuary + Livestream

Sunday Breakfast for All

9:30 a.m.  – 10:15 a.m. |  Activity Center
Fuel up your tank for the journey by having breakfast with us. Support this ministry and give online anytime by selecting the Fellowship Events/Breakfast Fund.

Sunday Adult Bible Study 

9:30 a.m. |  Library + Zoom
An in-depth study of the week’s scripture. Contact Ruby Cadenhead for more information.

this week’s highlights

Check Realm Events or the website calendar for a complete list of events.

Weekly Events

We have lots for everyone to do this summer! You can get moving with Pickleball and Yoga, crochet and sew with Prayer Shawl or Quilting, volunteer for Bread for All on Mondays, or practice self-care by attending one of our many support groups. Check Realm Events or the website calendar for a complete list of events and contact information for any questions you may have.

Grow Pray Study (GPS)

The Journey of Joseph
Open July’s GPS and recharge your prayer life with six devotions of scripture and thought-provoking questions for self-paced study during the month.


9:00 a.m. | Room 205

1:00 p.m. | Room 205
With busy summer schedules, please confirm before you come by emailing Sandy Nielsen.

Stay and Play for Families – Special Day Camp Kick-off Party

Noon |  Activity Center
WE LOVE CAMP! Everyone with kids can jump into fun and come meet the Day Camp counselors joining us from LutherHill. We’ll kick-off the start of a great week with friends, games, and lunch after worship. Please RSVP to Pr. Lauren so we know how many mouths to feed!

Glacier Adventure Training Days

9:00 a.m. | Meet at the Church
Backpacking through Glacier National Park takes a lot of stamina. For those going on this trip, let’s be prepared to be pushed physically and mentally by doing some hiking together beforehand! Contact Youth Director Joel Timmons.

Grillin’ and Chillin’

6:30 p.m. |  Activity Center/Solomon’s Porch
Dinner and games for grades 5-12! Contact Youth Director Joel Timmons.

Stay and Play for Families – Day Camp Goodbyes

Noon |  Activity Center
HURRAY FOR DAY CAMP! Come hug those fabulous Day Camp counselors and thank them for their fun-filled ministry as we gather for games and lunch after worship. Contact Pr. Lauren.

Prayer Vigil for a Hurting World

6:30 p.m. |  Sanctuary

Prayer Vigil for our brothers and sisters in Christ who are displaced as Refugees or seeking a better life through Immigration.

  • Prayers for the families of the 53 who tragically died in a transport truck
  • Prayers for compassion for those men, women, and children displaced by war
  • Prayer for leaders who influence policy and enforce regulations
  • Prayer for our faith communities to find ways to respond that glorify God by honoring our neighbor

*The politics of God is one of compassion and love, especially for the poor and marginalized. To be a Christ-follower (Christian) is to be like Jesus.

*Please join us for a reflective time of prayer, quiet, music, and reflection.

Summer spotlight – ACL MINISTRIES

Mariposa Family Learning Center

Mariposa is unique because they primarily serve low-income families with high-quality early childhood education. Located in one of Austin’s poorest neighborhoods (78741), which is categorized as a childcare desert on the southeast side of the city, Mariposa gives early childhood development access to low-income families that is unmatched – the percentage of families on at least 80 percent subsidy – anywhere in Austin.
Mariposa is unique because they respond to the individual needs of children and their families. Understanding their special situations ensures that Mariposa can provide the appropriate support necessary for learning and growth.
Learn more about the important ministry of Austin City Lutherans by visiting Mariposa’s website, following their Facebook page, or watching this clip recently featured on KXAN news.


We’re Hiring!

Shepherd of the Hills is seeking a Director of Faith Formation to lead, develop, and energize our children’s and youth ministries.  This is a full-time position with all the benefits that entails.  The ideal candidate will have a heart for working with children, youth, and families, as well as a background in theology or education.  Know of anyone who would be a wonderful addition to our staff team?  Please pass along this job description! Contact Pr. Lauren for more information.

Butterfly Center Construction Update

Take a look into the future and check out these renovation pics! 

ways to give

Giving is an expression of joy and gratitude for the bounty of God’s goodness! There are so many ways to give-both financially and through serving.


Serving is a great way to give back and get to know others in our community. Whether you are interested in serving locally, being part of a global mission, or volunteering to help in a variety of ways on Sundays, we have a place for you! Here are some special opportunities to serve:

Three Great Ministries for Volunteering this Summer
Families, retirees, and everyone with a servant heart, this summer is your chance to make time and serve together! Go to ACL’s website to learn more about Mariposa Family Learning Center, Bread for All, and the new Sheltering Initiative. Click here, and ACL Director Pr. Tim Anderson will connect you with volunteer opportunities that fit your talents.

Pledges, Gifts, and Donations

Keeping current with your pledged or regular giving while you travel has never been easier because you can do it all online!


Day Camp Diaper Drive for Bread for All

This year during our Day Camp Week, July 11-15, we are planting a forest of “Diaper Trees”, benefitting our Bread for All ministry. You can participate with our children and families participating in Day Camp by contributing a box of diapers (any size). This provides an enormous benefit to our working families coming to receive assistance. Diaper receiving areas are set up in the front gathering area and Activity Center(Gym). COSTCO and AMAZON links are posted here to make it easier then ever to support this ministry. You can have them delivered to the church. Thank you for your consideration. It is Christmas in July!

Please Bring Food
Our neighbors in Montopolis are in need. The BFA pantry is in need of dried pinto beans 1lb, canned pinto beans, kidney beans, garbanzo beans, spaghetti, diapers size 4/5/6, and baby wipes (BFA gives out on average 1500 diapers a week). Please check for expiration dates before giving items. They do not need any more egg cartons or newspaper sleeves.  Contact Weldon Allison. Donation Bins are out every Saturday + Sunday, and weekdays by ringing the office bell

prayers of the people

We pray for Sandy Nielsen, Rodney Varner and Tom Felger.

We pray for family and friends of Shepherd members:
Carol Spielberger, sister-in-law of Anita Knight

God, be with the campers, counselors, and volunteers at Day Camp this week. May you be at work in the laughter and play, in the singing and dancing. May our young ones come to know your love more clearly this week.
Lutherhill Counselors:
Jordana Gutierrez, Lairscey Griffey ,Claire Frazier, and Elizabeth Sleeper.
Youth Helpers:
Alicia Calvo and Kairi Smith.
Grace Bohart, Lilly Bohart, Sawyer Dertien, Miller Dertien, Finley Dertien, Austin Eckermann, Sophie Eckermann, Lillian Murray, Evelyn Murray, Charlotte Smith, Emmy Smith, Reed Smith, Addison Smith, Tinley Smith, Owen Wegner, and Caroline Wegner.

God, we know you never leave us or forsake us.  You love your whole creation, and you hold us in that love no matter what comes our way.  You hold in love those who have lost their lives in acts of war and violence.  You hold in love those who have lost their trust in institutions meant to keep them safe.  You hold in love those who have lost their dignity at the hands of those in power.  You hold in love those who have lost their joy in a world that feels overcome by despair. We know and trust that you give us hope when we feel hopeless.  We know and trust that you are the giver of life and conqueror of death.  May we rest in that promise given to us in Jesus Christ.

We pray for our global ministry partners: Rev. Karen Castillo in Guatemala; Iglesia Luterana Augustina Virgen del Rosario, Aurora 8 de Octubre, Guatemala. We pray for Malcolm and Joy Henderson and the ministry of CHARIS in Haiti. 

We pray for our local ministries: Mariposa Family Learning Center, Bread For All and Upbring Ministries.

We pray for our faith community, that we may be a church without walls and live out loud…faithfully!

*In need of prayer? Please contact a pastor to be put on the prayer list. Prayers for family and friends are listed for 2 weeks, unless we are notified otherwise.