Weekly Connections 10.14.2022

October 14, 2022
This Sunday is Contemporary Music Sunday!



8:15 a.m.  Worship |  Sanctuary
10:45 a.m.  Worship |  Sanctuary + Livestream
A feast of beautiful contemporary music by Charlie, Laura, and Rachel Hills, Josh Norem, and Pr. Lauren Dow Wegner creates the perfect setting for the uplifting message “More Deposits than Withdrawals.”

Sunday Adult Bible Study 

9:15 a.m. |  Library + Zoom
Great discussions of the Good Book. This week we will discuss 1 Peter chapter 3. Contact Ruby Cadenhead for more information.


9:45 a.m.  |  Family Ministry Center (upstairs)
Sunday’Scool is faith formation for toddlers and kids thru Grade 4. Come join your friends upstairs in the Family Ministry Center for stories, exploration stations, and more. Come early and join other young families for breakfast beginning at 9:15 a.m. in the Activity Center.

Youth Summer Trip Info Meeting

9:45 a.m. | Sanctuary
Boundary Waters here we come! Families of incoming 9th through graduated 12th graders will find out more about our plans including dates, cost, and itinerary. Join us!

NextGen for Grades 5-12

7:00 p.m. | Activity Center
Games and Bible Studies, plus Confirmands get fitted for their robes.


Check the calendars on Realm or the website for a complete list of events!

PALS (Parents of Addicted Loved Ones)

7:00 p.m. | Library + Zoom

You are not alone! Parents and family members (over the age of 18) of loved ones who struggle with addiction are invited to participate in the  PALS support group to receive hope, through education and an opportunity to share and learn from others facing the same challenges. For more information about this group and others in the surrounding Austin area and other cities, visit  www.palgroup.org   

Wednesday Bible Studies

7:30 a.m. | Early Riser’s Study on Zoom
10:00 a.m. | Late Riser’s Study in the Library and on Zoom

Early Risers can jump online every Wednesday morning for a 30-minute look into the Gospel of Mark, or join us later in the morning for an hour-long study in the library and on Zoom. Both studies are Pastor-led. Contact Pr. Lauren or Pr. Tom with questions!

Mariposa “Spreading our Wings” Fundraising Dinner

6:00 p.m. | Activity Center

Mariposa Family Learning Center, a ministry of Austin City Lutherans, is hosting their annual dinner and fundraiser “Spreading our Wings”  at Shepherd of the Hills. Tickets are $20 per person and can be purchased here. Learn more about this extraordinary ministry by visiting their website.


Confirmation Sunday

10:45 a.m.
+ Livestream
Juliet Auby, Lila Bishop, Seth Hansen, Daniel Holzer, Flannery Norman, and Ethan Nutter will be confirmed as witnesses of Jesus!

Reformation Sunday

8:15 a.m. + 10:45 a.m.
+ Livestream, and Oktoberfest at Noon
Wear your red and rest assured we have plenty planned! All are invited to Celebration Reformation Worship with the UT Trombone Choir, Sunday’Scool hosts a Reformation Festival in the Courtyard (for all of us!), and Oktoberfest with food, beverages, and a Polka band! Wow.

New Members


New Members

Let’s welcome the Davies Grove Family! We are happy to present David Davies and Tara Grove, and their children Jonathan and Christina, as new members this Sunday. The Davies family comes to us from Alabama! Tara is a law professor at UT, specializing in constitutional law and related subjects, and is already singing with the choir! David is a web developer for TouringPlans.com, a company that helps people save time and money at theme parks, and enjoys running and trivia games. Jonathan (11) loves legos, playing the piano, singing, and theater, and Christina (6) enjoys coloring, painting, crafts, and dance, particularly tap and ballet.

Introduce yourself, and make sure and give them a warm ShepHills hello!

Sock-tober Confirmation Project

Help support Seth Hansen’s Confirmation Project! Seth has organized “Sock-tober” and is asking for donations of new socks (in any size) for the homeless. Drop socks in the box in the Gathering Space by November 1! Thanks!

Staff Transition

In 2019 Shepherd of the Hills was blessed to have Sandy Gaskin pioneer a new staff position promoting health and wellness called Congregational Nurse.

Sandy has decided to resign her position recognizing the need for her to care for herself following the death of her husband, Don. We affirm her decision and are grateful for all the ways Sandy contributed to our Staff and Congregation.

We are grateful for her ministry and her compassionate care. And, we are thankful that Sandy will continue to be active in ministry at Shepherd of the Hills. Our prayers go out to Sandy on her journey.


Dedication of Prayer Walk and Prayer Labyrinth

Last week we got a few of the specifics wrong when recognizing the Scouts who have made contributions to the Shepherd’s Garden as part of their Eagle Scout Projects. Jack Hagan (not his brother Max) of BSA Troop 31 built the handicap access, and Peter Walsh who helped with the Prayer Walk is a member of BSA Troop 990 (not Troop 31). We apologize for getting this wrong!


Giving is an expression of joy and gratitude for the bounty of God’s goodness! There are so many ways to give-both financially and through serving.

Pledges, Gifts, and Donations

Keeping current with your pledged or regular giving has never been easier because you can do it all online!

Beyond Capital Fund Appeal – Help us reach 150 households!

Slowly but surely, our numbers grow every week! We now have 146 Households participating, and $2,292,135 dollars to date pledged towards our goal of raising $3 million to pay for the recent renovation of the Butterfly Center and eliminate all debt! Learn more here.

Bread for All Food Pantry – Urgent Call for Donations

The need is greater than ever. The Central Texas Food Bank is experiencing a shortage of supplies, and BFA is asking churches and other supporters for these specific items through the end of the year. Please help by bringing these items on Saturdays from 9-11 a.m., Sundays from 8:00 a.m. – Noon, or any weekday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.:

  • Canned beans (green, pinto, black)
  • Big and small bags – white rice
  • Macaroni and cheese 
  • Soups
  • Tomato sauce, or diced tomatoes
  • Basic pastas (other than spaghetti) 
  • Small bags – dried beans
  • Diapers, sizes 5 and 6 are especially needed

Financial donations are also needed, either through your church or directly through the ACL website – www.breadforall-atx.org. THANKS!

Hurricane Ian Relief

Please help support Lutheran Disaster Response (LDR) efforts in response to Hurricane Ian and the hard-hit areas of Florida. Your gifts ensure that we will be able to provide help and hope for those whose lives have been devastated by Hurricane Ian. Gifts designated for Hurricane Ian response to LDR will be used entirely (100%) for hurricane response efforts until they are complete.


Serving is a great way to give back and get to know others in our community. Whether you are interested in serving locally, being part of a global mission, or volunteering to help in a variety of ways on Sundays, we have a place for you!

Sunday’s Altar Flowers are given by Corky and Ted Powell in gratitude and celebration of Katherine Powell passing the bar.


In need of prayer? Please contact a pastor to be put on the prayer list.

Would you like someone to pray alongside you during troubling times? Contact a Stephen Minister who can travel with you on life’s sometimes bumpy road.

We pray for Rodney Varner, Stacia DeBill, Inez Schrader, Linda Roesle, Nancy Etzler, Shirley Murray, and Mary Louise Behrhorst

We pray for the family and friends of Shepherd members: Scott Mauer, family of Ruth and Tom Felger

We pray for Terrie Thomas on the death of her friend, Linda Sue Diebitsch.  Surround all who mourn with the peace and promise of resurrection.

We pray for peace and comfort for the Hudnall family on the death of Tom’s brother, Bill Hudnall. Surround all who grieve with your comfort and peace.

We pray for all who have experienced the destruction of life and property from Hurricane Ian.  Bring peace, healing, and hope to those affected by this natural disaster, and inspire us to use our resources to help your people in need.  

We pray for our global ministry partners: Rev. Karen Castillo in Guatemala; Iglesia Luterana Augustina Virgen del Rosario, Aurora 8 de Octubre, Guatemala. We pray for Malcolm and Joy Henderson and the ministry of CHARIS in Haiti. 

We pray for our local ministries: Mariposa Family Learning Center, Bread For All, and Upbring Ministries.

We pray for our faith community, that we may be a church without walls and live out loud…faithfully!

*Prayers for family and friends are listed for 2 weeks, unless we are notified otherwise.